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"Keith! Is the toast ready yet?! I'm starving!" Lance yelled at his boyfriend from his seat at the table. They had finished training and went to the kitchen for a snack, hoping that Hunk was there to make them something to eat. But, to their disappointment, he wasn't. So Lance put it up to Keith to make them something to eat and Keith decided to make toast because it was the quickest thing that he seemed to think of.

"Um... Yeah! Almost Lance!" Keith nervously blushed as he waved the scent of burnt toast out of his face. Lance would laugh at him if he figured out that Keith burt toast with a toaster and broke the stupid thing too. His boyfriend seemed to enjoy teasing him and he could already imagine Lance laughing when he figured it out.

"Hurry up babe! I'm starving!" Lance groaned as he sat alone yelling for Keith to hurry up. It shouldn't take that long to make toast should it, Keith should know how to cook or even just make something right? Lance then realized something that he hadn't thought about before. Keith lived in the middle of a dessert on Earth, what if he didn't know how to use a toaster. "No," Lance spoke to himself as he stood from his chair, "Keith knows how to use the toaster right?"

Keith heard Lance's chair scoot back and the other boy's footsteps coming closer to him. A wave of panic shot over Keithas he quickly threw the burnt toast in the grange and placed himself in front of the toaster. He saw his boyfriend walk in with a curious look on his face as he sniffed.

"Are you alright Keith?" Lance tried to look over Keith's shoulder to see the toaster but the pale boy only blocked the other's view.

"Of course... why wouldn't I be?" Lance grabbed Keith's arms that were holding him up as he leant against the counter, and pulled his boyfriend out of the way, Keith attempting to protest but couldn't stop Lance from moving him out of the way of the toaster.

It was quiet for a good minute before Lance burst out laughing, holding his stomach as he held onto the counter to keep himself up. Keith's face was near the colour of his lion, this was embarrassing. But Lance only walked up to his boyfriend as he was now crying with laughter. It took a couple of punches to the gut from Keith to get the boy to stop laughing and actually look at his boyfriend.

"Keith... do you not know how to use a toaster?" Keith mumbled a shut up makeing Lance chuckle and pull him closer, the tanned boy's arms wrapped around the shorter one's waist. "Is your stupid mullet getting to your brain?"

"Hey! You love my mullet!" Lance chuckled at Keith's sudden outburst. He only lifted a hand to run his fingers through Keith's mullet. He shook his head slightly as Keith gave him a glare.

"Sure I do babe... I wouldn't even ask you to cut my hair if you couldn't make simple toast." Keith gave a smirk as he grabbed onto Lance's grown out hair that was in desperate need for a cut. Maybe this was his chance to make Lance embarrassed as revenge on laughing at his attempt to make toast.

"You are in desperate need for a haircut..."  Lance immediately stepped back, his hands in front of him to keep Keith away.

"No! No! No! You are not going near my precious locks!" Lance looked genuinely scared as Keith came closer. The taller boy only took another step back, he didn't want Keith to cut his hair. They were dating but there was no way the boy was going close to him with scissors.

"Lance your 'precious locks' look horrible, who do you think cut my hair after I got booted from the garrison?" That frightened Lance even more, look how Keith's hair turned out!

"That doesn't help Keith!"

"Lance, you're going to look like tarzan and it's either me or Coran cutting your hair..." This made Lance think. What if Coran gave him a crazy alien hairstyle that was probably considered cool ten thousand years ago? He gave a long sigh, Lance had no choice.

"Fine..." Keith crossed his arms and gave a smirk as he pulled out the scissors and comb that most of the paladins used to cut their hair. For some reason Shiro thought it best to keep them in the kitchen and right now it seemed genius.

So Lance sat in a chair, his back to Keith as he nervously tapped his foot on the floor. Keith stood behind the nervous boy with the comb and scissors, if Lance really hated his mullet then he would get one himself. So Keith started cutting, Lance flinching as he heard the scissors cut.

"If you move your hair would be uneven and you will look stupider than you already are Lance."


"Love you..." Lance groaned and stopped moving as Keith continued to cut his hair, It took longer than Lance would have expected but he wasn't going to complain if his boyfriend was actually trying his best.

"Done..." Keith stepped back to observe his work. Lance now had a small mullet that would slowly grow, everything else was how Lance's hair normally was. Keith grabbed a broom and quickly sweeped up the hair and threw it out, not needing to find Lance's hair in Hunk's next batch of cookies, before he put away the scissors and comb.

Lance on the other hand stood up and ran a hand through his hair until he reached his neck, he fet the mullet and took a while to realize what Keith did. He let out a loud gasp as he turned to a smirking Keith. "No way I'm having a mullet! Cut it off!"

Lance was being sarcastic, he didn't even know why he liked it but he did. But Keith didn't understand sarcasm and soon had an annoyed look on his face. "No way, I already cleaned up! You have to deal with it Lance."

Lance let out a laugh and pulled Keith close, connecting their lips. His arms wrapped around Keith's waist and the smaller boy's arms were soon around Lance's neck and his finger's in Lance's new mullet. When they pulled away Lance let out a chuckle as he looked into Keith's purple eyes.

"I could get used to having a mullet but then I might become stupid like you..." Lance had his usual smirk on his face as he spoke, making Keith want to punch him out. Keith had a smirk on his face as he pushed Lance away playfully.

"You are already stupid Lance, I don't know how you could get any stupider..."

"Hey!" Lance gasped as he hit Keith on the arm.

"You love me..."

"I know I do, don't rub it in mullet..."

"You have one too now..." Lance soon realized that that insult wouldn't work anymore. He swore in his head before looking back at his boyfriend.

"Whatever drop out..."

"How about you shut up and make us food, I'm hungry after cutting your hair..." Lance laughed as he grabbed plates and Keith sat on the chair, watching as Lance pulled out ingredients to make cupcakes.

"How about you come and help me, I could pay you by teaching you how to bake something..." Keith shrugged and stood up again meeting Lance at the stove before the tanned boy gave him a kiss on the cheek before showing him how to make red velvet cupcakes.

In the end everyone in the castle were surprised to see a broken toaster, Lance with a mullet, and very delicious cupcakes that night.

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