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Sometimes there were days when Lance would be sitting with Keith and realize how lucky he was to have him as a boyfriend. Who are we kidding, Lance always thought that. And recently the tanned boy had been wanting to make Keith happy, to get him a small gift to show his love. Something that Keith would be able to hold on to.

Lance sadly was a romantic and in his head needed to get the romantic gift right the first time. But his problem was he didn't know what to buy Keith. The blue paladin wanted to get his boyfriend something that he liked, something cute and cringy yet didn't know what. So Lance decided that there was only one other person in the Castle of Lions that would know Keith as well as he did, Shiro.

So here Lance was, standing outside of Shiro's bedroom door, hoping to find the black paladin in his room. Lance's knocks came in rhythm, something he always did to make people know it was him. But it took Shiro a short while to open the door itself, he had shouted a 'one second' before Lance had already opened the door to see the man and Princess Allura sitting together on the bed, their hands intertwined.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry!"

"Oh no, I was just called by Coran to help pilot the ship. I was just leaving..." the princess got up with Shiro's hands still around hers. The man got up with her a soft smile on his face as the princess kissed his cheek swiftly. "I'll see you later Shiro..."

"Of course..." Shiro lead the Altean Princess out of his room before closing the door and turning to Lance with a curious look on his face. "What do you need Lance?"

The teen took a deep breath before responding to the space dad. "I need help with Keith..."

"Is he alright?"

"Oh yeah! More than alright, actually... I just feel like I need a little help."

"If it's his stubbornness then I can't help you there Lance..." Shiro chuckled as he sat back on his bed and put a hand to his swivel chair in front of him, telling Lance to take a seat. He did, sitting on the chair backwards with his arms resting over the back and his chin resting on them.

"Heh, actually no...I've been wanting to buy him a gift, just because. But I just don't know what he likes other than Space and there is plenty of that around here and-" Shiro had cut off Lance before he could continue his mini rant.

"Has he ever mentioned hippos to you?" Lance let out a laugh and nearly fell backwards at Shiro's 'joke' but when he looked at the man's face again he realized that he was completely serious about the topic.

"He hasn't..." Shiro let out a soft chuckle as he saw the confusion in Lance's face. But the truth was that Keith's favourite animal on Earth are hippopotamuses. "Wait, don't tell me that Keith has a thing for hippos..."

"A boy can't have a favourite animal? I'm sure you would have learned by now that Keith is a unique guy..." Lance let out a laugh before running a hand through his hair, stopping suddenly as he realized why Shiro had even brought up animals. Or at least what he thought Shiro meant.

"Shiro where am I going to get a pet hippo? Coran will kill us if we bring mother animal into the castle! We already have a cow!" Shiro had to try hard to not laugh, but a couple of chuckles came out as he saw Lance's distraught face.

"We aren't getting a hippo Lance... go to the space mall and find him a hippo stuffed animal, you could probably find one in that earth store..." Lance jumped on his feet when Shiro gave him the idea and was out the door in seconds to go to the mall, screaming a thanks to the black paladin as he left.


That night, Keith and Lance laid in Keith's room, cuddling in their pjs after the night's hard training session. Lance had gone to the mall right after e left Shiro and came back only to hide the stuffed, purple hippopotamus under Keith's pillow. Which now made the raven haired teen shift uncomfortably due to some random bump in his pillow.


"Yeah babe?" Lance held back his smirk because he still wanted to surprise Keith, he couldn't let Keith know he placed the hippo under his pillow yet.

"My pillow is really uncomfortable..."

"Why don't you check why?" Keith flipped to face Lance and glared slightly at the statement.

"Fine, I will." The paler male stuck his hand under the pillow and quickly pulled out the stuffed animal, squinting as Lance turned on the light for Keith to actually see the stuffie and the tiny letter that was tied to the blue and red bow around its neck.

I have been wanting to repay you for being the best boyfriend of all time for a while now and I know how much you hate cheesy things. So I made this cheesy and figured out how much you love hippos, I thinks it's pretty cute. Anyways I bought this for you and hope you like it. Love, your one and only, Lance.

Keith smiled slightly and a small blush creeped up on his cheeks, Lance sported his signature smile as he watched as his boyfriend press his letter. It was cheesy and cute and he could see that Keith was happy with his new hippo.

"You like it?"

"Why do you have to be so cheesy and cute? It's so cringey!" Keith laughed before taking the letter off of the Hippo and putting it on his bedside table. Soon he had one arm holding the hippo close and the other around Lance as he buried his face into his boyfriend's neck with a smile, causing Lance to hug back. "I love it."

The words were muffled but Lance could understand perfectly and Keith covered his blush in the crook of Lance's neck. "I love you."

With that the two fell asleep, cuddling and Keith holding the hippo close to him. On the nights in the future when Lance wouldn't be around or was not in the same room, Keith would hold the hippo close, it somehow had the same ocean scent as Lance's cologne.


So this was a really cheesy chapter and I've been meaning to write a hippo story for a really long time now. Every since I found out about the hippo thing I found it adorable and realized that I needed to write something for it!!! Even though it's late I hoe you enjoyed and if any of you have any ideas for more Klance oneshots please comment and give ideas bc I could always use some help!!! Also credits to the artist who created the art up top, it is so cute!!!! Peace out home slices!!!! 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

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