How to Raise our Children

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       So this story is years in the future when Lance and Keith have kids because of Altean technology that gave them the ability to carry children. In this story their children are eighteen(Coran), fourteen(Kylie), twelve(Luke), and ten(Xavier). Also, they took turns having children, starting with Keith if that has anything to do with who they are closer with. Keith is called dad while Lance is called papa.

       "I could do what I want papa! I'm eighteen!" You could hear the eighteen year old's voice booming in the castle of lions. He stood in front of his father, at the same height their eyes glared at each other. Neither one wanting to back down.

       "Those hideous things on your face make you look like an idiot Coran! I want you to get rid of them!" Lance yelled back, not taking shit from his son. Coran had piercings, lots of them. A lip, eyebrow and six ear piercings. Lance hated it how his son looked, how Keith let him get those piercings.

       "Dad said I could get them so what's the problem!" Both continued to glare at each other. It pissed Lance off on how much his son was like his husband. He couldn't understand how he thought he looked cool.

       "I'm not taking it anymore Coran! I'm sorry but it looks stupid!" With that Lance turned around angrily, leaving towards his and Keith's room hoping to find his husband there.

       Meanwhile on the other side of the castle Keith trained with his and Lance's second child, Kylie. The only daughter of the men was a diva to say the least and she was almost exactly the opposite of her older brother.

       Keith and Kylie both trained in the training room, having been there for an hour already. That was until Kylie ended the training program.

       "Why did you end it?" Keith turned to his daughter who let down her long black hair from its ponytail and put down her sword on its rack. "Who said we were done?"

       "Me, I have to go get my system from Aunt Pidge." She began to walk away until Keith grabbed his daughter's arm, spinning her to face him.

       "You are a junior paladin, music is for free time. You are supposed to train!" Keith knew Kylie enjoyed making remixes but she got distracted from her real job of training. It was a trait that came from Lance.

       "I have been training every day, a girl needs her rest to look pretty dad, give me a break." Keith took a step back at the attitude he was receiving from the fourteen year old. She rarely ever talks back, but she was so much like Lance it was scary.

        "Give you a break! Does anyone else take breaks in this castle Kylie? Do I get a break from being your father? Does Allura get a break from being a princess? Does Zarkon take a break from taking over the universe? No! So don't think you can walk off and do something that is useless like your father does!" Kylie glared, shaking her head. She hated when people spoke ill of Lance, especially Keith. He didn't understand her like her papa, Keith thought training was everything.

        "Do you not want to be my dad because if that's the case I'll be in my room not to bother you! Maybe I'll spend my time actually having fun!" Keith took another step back, realizing what he said. Another thing Lance and Kylie had in common, they take insults seriously to the point where they believe it.

       When he was about to speak up, the girl was already out of the room, and down the hall where she spotted her father. He looked upset. "Papa, are you alright?"

       "Yeah I just have to speak to your dad. You don't look well, are you okay?"

       "Yeah, I'm just tired from training, dad pushes me to my limit like always!" She faked a smile and entered her room.

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