Other People

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Keith sat on the couch in the living room of the castle of lions. Lance had went out to shop which left him alone. There was nobody around him and Lance hadn't messaged him at all since he left nearly three hours ago. That was until now. Keith's phone buzzed, causing him to look at his now lit up screen and see the text message from his boyfriend.

I have an emergency

What is it Lance?

Remember the alien from a while ago that we met on the moon?
Ya know the one that tied me to a tree?

What about her?

Well I met bumped into her while I was shopping
And she asked if I wanted to take a walk on one of the near by moons.
I said no because she chained me to a tree but she said I could trust her...

Don't tell me you said yes...

I did...
So we walked and she isn't here anymore...

I can see where this is going

I'm tied to a tree, so can you come and get me?

Fine... I'm on my way

Okay! I love you!!!

Love you too lance...

The male let out an annoyed groan as he stood from the couch and made his way to the red lion's hangar. Lance didn't take blue but his ship was probably still at the mall and Keith was too lazy to have to go pick that up with another one.

So he left in red, arriving to the moon in minutes spotting Lance tied to the tree. He chuckled at how pathetic his boyfriend looked as his face was pressed against the tree and his hands were connected by a chain and between his hands was his phone.

"Keith! Hurry up and unchain me!" Lance grinned as his boyfriend came up behind him, thinking Keith would walk around the tree to unchain him but Keith only stopped behind him.

"Give me one second..." With that Keith placed a hand on Lance's butt. Lance gasped, Keith laughed as he stepped back again.

"Babe! Can you untie me already!" Keith smiled as Lance gave a pouty face. Slight revenge on Lance was what Keith assumed that he deserved.

"I said hold on! I'm enjoying the view..." Keith crossed his arms as Lance let out an annoyed groan.

"You're mean!"

"You're mean because you want to ruin the view..." Lance let out another annoyed groan, stretching his leg back to try and kick Keith. "Fine fine..."

"Thank you!" Lance turned and talked Keith into a hug. Keith held both of them up straight as Lance put all of his weight on the smaller male. When he stood straight he looked at Keith his eyes filled with curiosity and hurt in a way. "Keith?"

"Mmhm?" They began to make their way to the red lion.

"Are you mad at me?" Keith stopped to turn to Lance.

"Little bit..." Lance raised his eyebrows in question until Keith sighed in defeat. "Okay, maybe a lot... Why do you always look at other people when you have me?"

"I didn't know you saw it that way... I don't mean any of it." Lance sounded really guilty, his voice was soft as he grabbed Keith's hand. There was a slight lump growing in Lance's throat.

"Okay." Keith didn't say anything else but let go of Lance's hand to go into his lion, Lance following. The ride back to the castle was quiet and both felt the tension between them. When they got back both were alone in the hallway as they headed to the living room.

"Are you still mad at me?" Lance spoke first. "I hate it when you're mad at me."

"Maybe you should be more careful then..." Lance knit his eyebrows together as Keith responded to him, the male's voice cold and slightly hurt.

"What?" Keith groaned, grabbing Lance's arm and pulling him into the closest room to them so nobody could hear their conversation, it happened to be the kitchen.

"Maybe you should stop looking at other people and telling me!"

"I tell you because I would never hide anything from you Keith! Nor would I ever look at anyone else!" Keith looked away from Lance as the other boy grabbed his hands to make him look at him. Lance soon had Keith's chin between his fingers, forcing the other to look him in the eyes.

"Please don't be mad at me?" Lance looked into Keith's purple yes with pleading blue ones. "I love you and would never even consider looking at anyone else."

"I'm not mad..." Lance smiled softly, pulling his boyfriend in for a kiss which Keith returned. When they pulled back both smiled.

"Good because it's not my fault I'm popular with the ladies..." Lance winked at Keith who punched him in the arm, hard enough for Lance to let out a loud yelp and grab the spot where he was hit. "Sorry, sorry! Love you?"

"You're lucky I love you..."

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