Drunk Lance ~ College AU Part 1

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Keith sat on his his bed in his dorm. His roommate, Lance McClain, and his friends had went to a party held by another student in their college and though Keith was invited, he did not want to go. As much as his friends and roommate had bothered him to come to at least this party, he refused. Keith was not the one for parties, he did not like the scent of drugs or the large groups of drunk people that all dance way to close to each other. He was only twenty anyways, he should not even be going to these parties.

Lance on the other hand was still only nineteen and had been real desperate to go to a college party. He had also seemed to convince their "space dad", Shiro, and "space mom", Allura, to let him and their friend Hunk go. Not to mention that Lance had also convinced them to let their friend Pidge go as well, Pidge was still only sixteen and had not even graduated from high school yet.


The party was huge, everyone was there, but Keith. It had bothered Lance that the male had not came with them. He had just admitted to himself that he had a crush on his roommate. Besides that fact, Lance was really happy to finally have convinced Shiro and Allura to bring them to a party. Although they were were not very happy that he had also brought Pidge.

The girl had already consumed a couple of shots of shots. Not that Lance was much better, Pidge had stopped at the tipsy stage and so had Hunk. Allura's uncle, Coran, had been pout in charge of drinks and it was Allura's party. Since Pidge, Hunk and Lance were Allura's friends and Coran knew them by name, he had no problem giving them alcohol.

Music blasted, people danced. Lance was drunk by midnight. He was stumbling around the home, his vision blurry and the only thing on his mind was Keith, who was at home resting and playing his own video games in peace. That was until he had gotten a facetime call from Lance.

Lance was in a bedroom when he had clicked the call button on Keith's contact. The sound of music was muted slightly but you could still hear the booms of the speakers downstairs. It took a couple of rings for keith to answer the call and see a very tired looking Lance on the other side of the screen.

"Hey Keith~"


"Why do you sound so unhappy to see me! Babe~" Keith knit his eyebrows together, did lance just call him babe.

"You just made me lose my game of Call of Duty... why are you calling me babe, Lance?" Lance pouted and it became very clear to Keith that his roommate was in fact very drunk. "Are you drunk?"

"No~... babe, I thought we were dating~. Do you not love me anymore~" Keith fought back his blush as Lance pouted on the other side of the camera.

"Lance we are not dating and how much have you had to drink?"

"But I love you Keith! Why are you denying my love?!"

"I'm not. How much have you drank?"

"Uhhh... ten shots of some weird drink Coran gave me, seven beers, three cups of rum and coke and nine glasses of some other drink that Shiro told me to try..." Keith could not believe what he wa hearing and now he had to deal with a hung over Lance the next morning.

"Lance you are drunk. Where is Shiro? I thought he was supposed to keep an eye on you?"

"He ran off with Allura somewhere~ Maybe I sho-"

"Do not go looking for them Lance! Whatever you do! Do not look for them!" Keith did not want to know what Shiro and Allura were doing on their own.

"Okay... can you come here?"


"Why?! I want to kiss you Keith! I love you so much!"

"I love you too Lance..." Keith had laughed as he said it back, he was only responding with the same to make Lance happy. He did not need a sad, drunk Lance. But he did find it rather amusing that Lance was admitting all his feelings to him while he was drunk. Not that Keith had not also gained a crush on Lance.

"Why are you laughing! Are you making fun of my love to you! Babe I love you!" Keith could not stop laughing. Drunk Lance was the most entertaining thing he had seen.

"Should you be partying? Pidge and Hunk might miss you."

"But why can't I talk to my sexy boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend? Oh my god..." Now Keith was as red as his jacket. He could not take this much more. "Lance you are drunk, go party and you can talk to me later. Alright?"

Lance smiled and nodded, beginning to walk out of the room. "Okey! Bye babe!"

Lance hung up, rushing back to the party to get more drinks and dance with his friends.

Keith on the other hand, burst out laughing when the phone hung up. He could not help but blush as well at the fact that his crush had called him his boyfriend even though they had not even told each other their feelings until now, at least for lance.


It was soon two o'clock am, Keith was still awake waiting for Lance to come home. His phone was soon ringing with Lance's contact name. Keith had picked up the phone quickly.


"BABE! They all left me here alone! Shiro ran away and Allura is passed out!"

"What about Coran?"

"He said he doesn't wanna leave Allura alone... Babe! Come Pick me up pwease~" Keith let out an annoyed sigh. He did not want to know what will happen when he was alone with a drunk Lance in his car. But how could he leave Lance alone.

"I'm on my way."

"Thanks Babe!"

Keith hung up the phone and pulled on his jacket, he quickly made his way to Coran's home. He found Lance sitting alone on the curb, his jacket in his arms and a smile on his face as he spotted Keith.

"Babe you came..."

"Just get in the car Lance." Lance got in the car, slumping in the seat and turning to Keith.


"Yes Lance?"

"Can you cuddle with me tonight?" Keith nearly slammed on the breaks, he was not hearing Lance ask him to cuddle. Lance was far too drunk to even be knowing what he was saying let alone remember what happened in the morning.


When they had returned to their dorm, Lance was already laying on Keith's twin sized bed. Keith had given an annoyed eye roll and taking off his jacket, hanging both his and Lance's jackets on the front hooks.

Lance had scooted over to make room for Keith on the bed and Keith held back his blush as he laid down beside his drunk roommate. Lance had already cuddled up against Keith's back with an arm around his waist.

"Thanks for picking me up babe~"

"Yeah yeah... now go to sleep Lance."

"Okay~" The man fell asleep almost instantly, Keith let out a soft cuckle at the fact that Lance's arm as very stiffly wrapped around his waist. Not that he minded that much. 

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