Just Some Headcanons

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At night in bed:

Lance radiates a lot of body heat, so Keith enjoys cuddling (Lance being big spoon) and burying his face in Lance's chest to keep warm

If Lance cannot sleep he enjoys watching Keith sleep and time his breaths to match his boyfriends while running his fingers through Keith's hair

If either were to have a nightmare the other would cradle them in their arms and hum whatever song they have stuck in their head until the other falls asleep

On space mall dates:

Every time they go to the space mall Lance enjoys bringing Keith to the milkshake stand where they both buy milkshakes, Keith getting his own Lactose free strawberry milkshake and lance getting a dark chocolate and blueberry one

Keith enjoys bringing Lance to the earth store so he can see the sparkle in Lance's eye when the boy sees things that remind him of home. Then Keith would end up buying Lance one of the objects he pointed out

Alone with their lions (before lion switch):

Both like to report to their lions on their relationship and like to rant to their lion about how they feel about each other and ask for advice.

The lions plan together how to help out Keith and Lance and what advice to give them in order to get each other to say the same thing.

When listening to music:

Lance likes to play spanish music from home and make Keith dance with him when they are alone while showering his boyfriend with sweet kisses and singing the spanish lyrics

When they are sick:

Neither would leave the others side and would always do whatever they can to make the other smile

Lance would try his best to make his mother's soup even if he does not have the real ingredients, he would spoon feed Keith and make stupid jokes to make Keith laugh

Keith would get Hunk to make soup but then try his best to do what Lance describes his mother used to do but gets flustered and embarrassed every time Lance laughs at him for little things

When Pidge spies:

The teenage girl gets major nosebleeds from fangirling just like the rest of us.

Thanks for reading and sorry for me disappearing. I have had writers block and do also have alot of homework since exams are coming up for me so if anyone has requests for ideas please comment!! Thanks! Peace out home slices!!!! <3

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