Can't Go Home

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This story takes place only a few year since the paladins had arrived in space for the first time.  We all know that Lance misses his family and he always seems to keep it to himself and not wanting to worry others but some things remind him of the people he loves and sometimes he can't control himself from crying.

    The couple sat in the living room of the Castle of Lions, relaxing on the couch and sharing a pair of headphones as latin music played through them. One, a Cuban brunette wearing a blue and white shirt, jeans and a green jacket, hummed along to the familiar music that played from his Ipod. His hand was gripped in his boyfriend's and his head lay on the other boy's shoulder.

    "Lance, do you have any other music? Or is this your whole playlist?" The other boy spoke up to Lance, his purple eyes finding their way to the other boy though his black hair that covered his face slightly. Keith wore all black, with a red, white and Yellow jacket.

    "It reminds me of home Keith, this is what I always listened to..." He gave a small smile even though he hadn't made any eye contact with Keith who gave him a soft chuckle, his other hand reaching up to ruffle Lance's hair. Lance, in response, sat up and slapped Keith's gloved hand away.

    The song they were listening to ended and a new one came on, a familiar tune that Lance used to always sing with his siblings, Gasolina. Lance stopped for a second, listening to the song and imagining his siblings voices sing the song. The tears already reached his eyes but he held them back, Keith couldn't see him cry over a song.

"Lance... Hey Lance... Lance!" Lance snapped out of his trance at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. He looked at Keith with a fake smile that the boy could clearly see though. There was something wrong with Lance and Keith knew his boyfriend well enough to notice. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing... Don't worry about it." He looked away again, refusing to let his blue eyes meet his boyfriend's purple ones. But Keith wasn't going to take Lance's shit this time. Not when he could tell that Lance was going to break from his bottled up feelings.

"Stop lying to me, what the hell is going on with you?" Keith had grabbed Lance's arm and pulled the boy to make Lance face him. The tears were getting harder to fight and Lance had taken out his headphone, still refusing to look at Keith. "Are you really not telling me? I thought you trusted me?"

"Keith... It's not that-"

"Then why aren't you talking to me?! I'm your boyfriend am I not?" Lance still didn't look at Keith as more tears fought to escape from his eyes. He did trust Keith, it was just hard to speak out his feelings when everyone preferred the happy and goofy Lance that they all knew.

"It's me not you! I just-"

"You what Lance?"

"I-I hate people seeing me when I'm not goofy and annoying Lance..." He had a hard time taking Keith's stares. He wanted to be alone and cry in his room, but Keith's grip was too strong. But Keith wanted Lance to open up and trust him to see all sides of each other.

"But Lance, I need you to talk to me. I want to know the person who is under that annoying ass that always cracks a joke. Can you please tell me what's bothering you?" Lance finally gathered up the courage to look Keith in the eye and finally Keith saw the tears that have gathered up in his boyfriend's eyes.

The worry in Keith's eyes broke Lance, causing all the held back tears to fall down his face. He let out the sobs, his hands covering his face. Keith pulled him into a hug, holding the crying boy in his arms and letting Lance sob into his top.

It took about fifteen minutes for Lance to pull himself together, the tears still falling but not as heavily as they were minutes before. The boy pulled back, looking at Keith's shirt that was wet from Lance's tears.

"Sorry..." Lance wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. He was still slightly tearing up but decided that he was going to talk to Keith, he needed to get it all off of his chest. "I held that in for a long time..."

"Are you going to talk to me?" Keith grabbed both of Lance's shaking hands, looking into his boyfriend's eyes. He needed Lance to talk, he wanted to be trusted. Lance didn't need to bottle it all up so he nodded.

"It's just that, Gasolina was a song that I used to sing with my siblings all the time... Keith, will I ever see my family again? Will they ever meet you? Will I ever feel my moms hugs and eat her food? Or get attacked by my siblings?... I don't want to forget them, but I'm scared they already forgot me." The tears began to come up again, but Lance choked down the sobs, not wanting to cry anymore then he should. He was a paladin, he wasn't supposed to be crying.

"Lance, how could someone forget you? I promise you that we will see your family again, no matter what. I will make sure you see them again. I don't know when that will be but we will go back to Earth one day..." Lance gave a small smile, it was genuine and warm. He believed Keith, he knew that one day he will go home with Keith by his side.

"Thanks Keith... I'm not a loser now, am I?" Keith let out a laugh as Lance wiped his eyes and gvaae a small sniff as he chuckled.

"You're always a loser to me Lance..."

"Right... I love you Keith."

"I love you too Lance..."

💙Klance One Shots❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora