Thoughts On The Matter ~ Other Paladin Interviews

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Hello everyone! Its me reporting to you from the Castle of Lions here to talk to the paladins about what they think of Keith and Lance's relationship and if they truly ship Klance.

First we will question each paladin personally then do some group questions. We will begin with Hunk.

Hunk: Hello!

Hey Hunk! So you are Lance's best friend and have known him for quite a while. How do you feel about Lance being in a relationship in general?

Hunk: Being close to Lance made me learn alot about him. I'm cool with him dating, past relationships never affected our friendship and I know they never will. I'm happy that he is happy.

That is great! Now you're thoughts on how Keith treats him?

Hunk: They used to be so mean and now all I see is respect so I'm good with it. Keith, from what I have seen, is really good to Lance and it is the same the other way around.

So you think they will last long?

Hunk: For sure, I would not be surprised if they got married tomorrow. *chuckles* They are really close and I think they were meant for each other... I better be the best man for the wedding.

*Laughs* You had better be! Thanks Hunk, could you tell Allura to come in?

Hunk: No problem! *Walks out, enter Allura*

Hello Princess!

Allura: Hello!

So, you are technically in charge of the paladins and have gotten to know them for a while now. How do you feel about Keith and Lance"s relationship?

Allura: I am happy that they are happy! They seem really in love and it makes me glad to see that their relationship is really working out and it actually pushes the team to be more productive during missions!

Now, this may be a touchy subject, but how do you think Keith is in a relationship considering he is part galra? I am only asking since I do know you do not particularly like the galra.

Allura: Well, you are correct I do not like galra that much but that is only because of what they had done to me. I learned, ever since we made an alliance with the Blades and after getting to know Keith, that glara is only part of their race, it does not make their personality. So I believe that Keith is very respectful in a relationship knowing him as who he is.

Lance had a crush on you when he first laid eyes on you, eventually he moved on after a long time of flirting. What do you think about his feelings towards Keith?

Allura: Lance is very... unique... when he was trying to have a relationship with me I realized that he would be very loyal and do his best to make me happy. Though, I do not have any feelings romantically towards the blue paladin, I know in any relationship he would want it to work out. Therefore, I feel like his feelings are true towards Keith.

Thank you Princess! When you head out do you mind sending in Shiro?

Allura: Of course... *Allura exits, enter Shiro*

Hello Space Dad! How are you?

Shiro: *chuckles* I'm great thank you!

Great! So nobody knows your connection to Keith, but what we do know ism that you two know each other before the Kerberos mission. It would be obvious that you two are close. So what do you think about Keith being with Lance?

Shiro: I think it is really good for him, and Lance is really good to him. Keith was raised an orphan so I was his only friend when he was in the Garrison, he needs others to communicate with and now with Lance he has someone caring for him and watching over him.

That's adorable! As a dad, do you have any worries about the relationship?

Shiro: As a dad, I believe every relationship will have its bumps and Keith and Lance will have thiers. But, I am not worried because Keith gets attached to someone easily when they care alot for him and Lance is really serious about relationships even though he does not seem it. So I don't have worries.

Neither do I because they are perfect for each other. What do you think of the two of them not realizing this earlier?

Shiro: They are both stupidly blind, I would know. I heard about their crushes from both of them and I think it just happened when the time was right so I really have nothing to say on the matter.

I like that thinking dad! Thanks for talking to me and can you send in Coran?

Shiro: Of course, I know you are keeping Pidge for last *Laughs*, we all know how much she loves that relationship.

*Laughs, shiro walks out, enter Coran* Welcome Coran Coran the Gorgeous man!

Coran: This girl gets it!

Always do! Now Coran, you are the super cool guy on the ship so what do you think of Keith and Lance being together?

Coran: Well I think they are perfect for each other! They shut their quiznacks when they are together! Now when they are apart I have to do all I can to keep them from running to each other like crazy creatures!

That's how it is! Have they ever done anything that maybe you wished you did not know about?

Coran: Nope! I know everything and when they cuddle I could just go and cuddle with them because they look so warm! As long as they know what they are doing I am very happy I am not involved.

I like that though fans do love to see them together! Maybe you should put some Klance in the next coalition show! That would round up a lot of people!

Coran: I like that! Klance for life!

*Tumbles over laughing* YES! Thanks Coran! Tiem to send our major shipper in!

Coran: Yup! *Exit Coran, enter Pidge*

Here we go! Pidgeon is in the room!

Pidge: The Pidgeon requests Klance talking!

When did you know you shipped Klance?

Pidge: The second I saw them together! They are perfect together and it only took a little bit of evil gremlin work to get them even closer until... BAM!... they are now in love!

I am sure they did that on their own but I have to give you credit. What would you do if they broke up or one of them cheated?

Pidge: They would both be thrown off the ship and left in space alone. They will be married and have lots of children and I will be the super cool aunt that they all love and Keith and Lance will be happy for the rest of eternity.

You sound like the whole fandom! You are the best *wink*. Now last question, have you ever spied on them?

Pidge: *smirks* Oh yeah and major nose bleeds to that. You do not need to know the details of a sexy night and to hear it when your room is next door. Then there is their secret make out sessions after training. Or the tiny touches that they give at dinner which leads to more noises at night! If they knew that I knew all of this I would be dead and Space Dad will go crazy on me because I'm 'too young.'

*Laughs* You know your Klance Pidgeon! I love it *high five*! Well that is it for now and soon there will be a group discussion with everybody and Keith and Lance so stay tuned! Now my favourite paladin, would you do the honors!

Pidge: Show up next time or else I will kick your asses because this ship is the best! Peace out home slices!!!!!!!!!

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