Picture Perfect

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In this story Keith and Lance only had three year old Coran and one year old Kylie so far.

Keith let out a laugh as his three year old son swung the mini sword at him. The man had his own fake sword in his hand as he blocked it and took a tiny swing back. Coran laughed loudly as he felt the toy poke his side. Keith gave a smirk as he grabbed his son who continued laughing when he was picked up by his father.

"Daddy! Put me down!" He his is dad's arm, still laughing as he saw Lance walk in through the door holding one year old Kylie in his arms. "Papa! Help me!"

Lance laughed walking behind his husband and shook his head at his son who Keith had now put down. "Your dad is too scared of he, I didn't even have to make him out you down."

"Keep dreaming Lance..." Lance smirked, hitting Keith's arm and letting out a light chuckle. "Wanna go to daddy princess." He now looked Aggies daughter who giggled and stretched her tiny arms out to Keith.

"Ya!" Lance passed the girl into his husbands arms, Keith grabbing his daughter with a small smile.

"Hey Kylie..." The young girl hugged her dad, a big smile on her face before turning to Lance, sticking out her arms again. "Do you not want to stay with me?"

"Nope... papa!" Lance smirked and took his daughter back into his arms, Keith gave a playful glare before putting his hand on his son's shoulder, Cora gave a smile up to Keith.

"Keith I was bothering Pidge this morning..."

"Did she beat you up?" Lance gave a small laugh, shaking his head and kicking Keith's leg. "That sucks..."

"Hey!... anyways, I was bothering her about making me a camera, like a Polaroid and she agreed after I bothered her for a very very long time. So she made it for me..." Lance grabbed his husband's hand and lead him and his son towards Pidge's room, opening the door to see the female holding a blue Polaroid camera in her hands.

"Here Lance... don't brother me for a long time now, I have my own stuff to do..." Pidge laughed handing Lance the camera but Lance handed it back, a soft snails on his face as he pulled Keith towards him and put Coran in front of them.

"Take a picture Pidge?" The female nodded, pushing up her glasses and looking into the camera, the bright flash signalling that the photo was taken as the film came out of the top. "Thanks..."

He grabbed the camera and photo and left the room leaving a shocked Keith and a laughing Pidge. "He's been asking me for a while, go look at the picture before he comes back huh?"

Keith laughed, bringing Coran out of the room with him and following Lance. Back to the living room where he saw the tan man sitting on the couch with Kylie, a sharpie in his hand as he wrote on the bottom of the small picture. Family, stars and hearts were drawn around it and Lance handed it to his husband who was now looking over his shoulder.

"Cute right?" Keith nodded, taking the photo and looking at his and his family's smiles in the photo. "We take more over time and preserve memories..."

"That's cool..." Keith smiled at the photo, putting it into his pocket to keep. "I'll hold onto it... your cheesy, you know that right Lance?"

Lance laughed getting up and pulling Keith into a quick kiss. "And you love it..."

"I do..." Another kiss was shared until Coran groaned tugging on his dad's and papa's sleeve.

"You are yucky!" Both adults laughed at their son.

Definitely not the normal family if you count out the fact that they lived in space.

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