The Blade of Marmora ~ Keith's POV

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Part 2!! Here we go!!

I was just about to leave, I had packed my things. This was not where I was meant to be. I am not the right person to lead Voltron. Shiro had won back the black lion, he deserves to lead, not me.

I am the loner, I was just randomly placed into this team and I had more reason to be part of the Blade rather than anything. That was why I left, that is why I'm no longer part of Voltron. They are my family but I have to leave. I have to leave the only family I have in order to have a proper purpose in this war against the Galra Empire.

I passed by each of their rooms. Not going in side nay to say goodbye. Until I was near Lance's room. He hated me and was probably happy to see me gone, or at least that what I would have believed a couple of months ago. Now he was my right hand man, and I was leaving him.

I had to admit I do have a crush on the annoying boy. But I had to forget it now, I had to leave because Lance and the rest of the team did not need me as much as the Blade does.

I heard something bang from outside of his room. Then heard muted choked sobs. He was not crying was he? Even if he was it was not over me. But I could not fight the need to go in there, to see what made him that upset.

My gut quenched. He was hugging his pillow and cried, I felt the burning in my eyes become stronger. He should not be crying over me, none of them should care this much about me. I found myself sitting ont he bed, a hand on Lance's shoulder.

"Leave me alone..." No.

"Do you really want that Lance?..." He turned over, his eyes finding mine. His crying stopped, he dropped the pillow and we just stared. At least Lance deserved an explanation on why I was leaving.

"Shouldn't you be going with the Blade right now?" It hurt the way he said it. With a broken voice but mine probably sounded worse. He was hurting over me and I did not like how it felt.

"Yeah... I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Did you already talk to everyone else?"

"I wasn't planning to... I just heard you and though you deserved an explanation..." He did deserve one, it was my fault he is like this and I should not be here with the team if I do not belong.

"Why to me? Just because you don't think you should be here doesn't me we think that Keith." He was right, but I had to do what I think was better for me.

"Ever since Shiro came back I have been thinking, he should be leading, and now that he is back with the black lion I have no point to be here. So why should I? If the Blade can use me better should I not be there?"

"You heard what Allura said, we can't go on without you..."

"I'm the loner Lance, I'm no longer a paladin. So what am I supposed to do here? Nothing? I need to do something and the Blade of Marmora needs me. All of you may think I sound stupid but... but-" He interrupted me, a hand up in order to stop me from talking, I just now realized the few tears that fell from my eyes.

"I know what you mean Keith, I know how it feels. I also know that you want a purpose in the war... but I want an explanation on why this started even before Shiro had gotten the lion." I don't know. That was the real answer but, I knew I had to figure it out.

"Maybe it was because I could not handle being a leader, or I felt like Shiro should have been the leader instead of me so I had to force him to go back with the lion. All I know is that I'm not needed here for any reason. A part of me wants to stay because you guys are my family but what good am I if I do not do anything to help..."

I had not noticed when Lance grabbed my hand with his, I felt my heart rate pick up but I also felt the tears fall down my face. Why was I doing this for him? I do not know. But I could not stop.

"Just so you know Lance... I don't want to leave, but I need to have a purpose in our war..." Lance looked away, but then his eyes made contact with mine again. I could not look away either.

"Keith, I get it. You helped me that one time, remember? When I said I was going to step down when Shiro got the lion back?" I nodded, but I knew I could not let him do that now. "You told me to leave the math to Pidge, and guess what? I did and I was able to deal with it because of you... Now it's my turn. You may think that we do not need you Keith and you are right, you will do more with the Blade. But just so you know, I like you. I'm gonna feel real empty without you here."

"What are you talking about?"

"I need you Keith, I've grown really fond of you and I do not know how it happened but to me, you being here is making you have a huge purpose." My eyes widened, he did not say that, right? But he did, and I am happy about it

"Lance... thank you." He just looked at me as if I am to say more to him. He just admit his feelings, I should say more. But... I do not know what to say. I do not work well with emotions. "Look, Lance, I don't know how to... ya know..."

"Express emotion, yeah the mullet already got to your brain..." I could not help but smile at his comment, and the laugh he let out when I playfully punched him in the arm.

"Yeah, can I say that I feel the same... I- ugh..." Lance let out a laugh, one that made me blush. I really did not want to leave now. But I had to.

"I get it... that makes me happy, but now it is kind of making me more upset that you are leaving..."

"Yeah... I'll keep in touch and try to be back as quickly as I can... Maybe soon we will all be back to our normal lions and maybe this war will be over..."

"I'll wait then, and try my best to end this war quickly..." I could do that too, wait. I'll fight to defend my family, to be able to have a purpose and be with Lance when this is all over or at least as soon as possible.

"Me too... I have to go..." I stood grabbing my bag and headed to the door, before leaving I turned, Lance was already hugging me with his face in my neck. I gave a soft smile returning the hug. "Thanks Lance..."

"See you soon mullet."

"Later Sharpshooter..."

When I left, I regretted it but I knew that now, I did have a purpose somewhere that was not in the war and that I sadly the guy that rivaled with me in the Garrison, and was my right hand man until now, broke through my walls and stole my heart when nobody else could. 

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