Dreams into Reality

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Lance messages are in italics and Keith's messages are bolded
Lance laid in his room, his phone in his hands as he stared at his boyfriend's contact. He knew that Keith would be asleep but the Cuban boy could barely make his eyes close. He needed someone to talk to and his best friend Hunk was the key person to wake up from messages.

Lance and Keith had been dating for just over two years now and they had grown to fall in love from the hate that they shared for each other from when they met. It surprised them both when they gained feelings for each other when they first became paladins. When their hate turned to live everyone was just shocked that the two got along.

The tan boy eventually ended the war in his head, letting his finger click the message button on Keith's contact. He needed to tire his eyes anyways.

Hey Keith
Please tell me that ur up
What is it Lance
I'm trying to sleep
I can't
And was hoping you wanted to talk
Well I'm tired so go to bed
But I can't sleep Keith
Please, can't we talk for a little bit?
What do you want to talk about?
I was hoping to play a game or something...
Then what do you wanna play?
20 Questions??
Okay you go first...
No, you thought of it so you start
Who is the coolest person you ever met?
Your turn
If there was Altean technology that could give us the ability to have children, would you want kids?
Of course
My turn
If this technology didn't exist... would you fly back to earth together and adopt a child or children?
My turn
If this technology did exist would you ask Coran with me to see if it was possible?
I wouldn't let you ask yourself
Of course I would
Your turn
What gender of children would you prefer?
I don't care but I'd like to have a son
Your turn
How many kids would you want to have?
Maybe 2-4
I had a huge family on Earth, I'm hoping to have a huge family in space too
That's cool
Your turn
Can you see a future together?
My turn
What names can you think of for future children of both genders?
Idk for a boy but for a girl I like Kylie
I like Kylie
You do?
And you just waisted your turn
Not fair!
It is
Now if I asked you to marry me, would you?
Easy answer
Why would I say no?
You just waisted your turn again genius
Not fair!!!!!!!
It is so it's my turn again
Fine, ask away
I'm saying this as an actual question Lance
Will you marry me?
Oh my god
Thank god
Now go to bed so we can see each other sooner
But Keith?
How do I know I'm not dreaming this?
I'm flattered that you would dream of this
I'll prove it tomorrow but for now get some sleep
Night Keith
Goodnight Lance

Both soon turned off their phones, cuddling into their sheets and falling asleep, thinking about their conversation and hoping it was true.

The next morning Lance woke up early, he needed to know if his conversation with Keith was a dream or not. The boys phone was in his hand in seconds as he reread the conversation between him and his boyfriend.

"So it did happen," he mumbled to himself, shooting out of bed and getting dressed quickly. He was in the kitchen to see Hunk already making breakfast before anybody woke up.

"You're up early..." Lance laughed at Hunk's comment, grabbing plates and helping set table in the other room. He gave a smile to Hunk without answering his question. "Fine don't tell me why!"

"There's no reason..."

Others began to file in after, Lance waiting to see Keith walk though and when he did the Cuban boy rushed to him and gave him a kiss that the more pale boy deepened.

"Get a room!" Pidge was the one yelling from her spot on the table, Keith walking away from Lance to sit down. He too was up early holding the blue sapphire ring in his hand until he decided to eat, the ring in his pocket when he kissed Lance. But the boy also wanted his boyfriend to think he had second thoughts for a bit, just to mess with him. So Keith stepped away from Lance quickly after the kiss and sat down.

Everyone ate but Lance seemed to be constantly staring at Keith, but Keith gave him a smile and continued eating. That was until Keith stood up and walked over to Lance.

"Alright, I know that you've been waiting all morning... so I asked you last night on our phones, but I hate being cheesy so I'll just say it..." Keith moved onto one knee, pulling out the ring and showing it to Lance. "Lance, will you marry me?"

There were gasps from everyone around the table and Lance had held back his tears as he nodded and put the ring on his fiver and kissing Keith, the other boy kissing back.

"That was really cheesy... just so you know." Keith shook his head and slapped his fiancé's arm and laughing. Something that never happened.

"You like cheesy don't you?"

"Yeah yeah..." They shared another kiss, Pidge let out a groan to repeat her point from earlier, causing the boys to pull apart and laugh.

"I love you Lance..."

"I love you more..."

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

"You two are engaged and you still have to one up each other?!" Shiro made his statement making everyone around start laughing again and go back to eating. There were smiles in the castle throughout the rest of the day and thankfully there were no attacks or rescue missions for the rest of the joy filled day.

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