The Ride Of My Life~ A Klance Highschool AU

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The high school bad boy, Keith, made everyone wary around him, assumed to be on drugs and be part of a gang. Not many people talked to him, except one senior in the school that was social with everyone, Shiro. He was Keith's best friend and knew everything about him, including his crush on the school's cringe class clown, Lance.

Lance was known around the whole school as the grade ten that made the cringiest jokes and puns. But unlike Keith, he had lots of friends only two knowing about his crush on the bad boy. He was teased about it when alone with both Hunk and Pidge but when others were around it was like Keith was his mortal enemy. That was until a huge group of people decided to play a game of truth or dare.

They sat on the cub of the school lot, Lance grinning as he had his two friends beside him and the game went on without objections. Across the lot, Keith leaned against his motorcycle, Shiro leaned against his car as he spoke to the bad boy who payed no attention the the game going on further away.

"Lance, truth or dare?" Jacob was the one to turn to the goofy teen, who gave him a smirk.

"Dare..." All previous dares weren't bad and Lance was never the one to lose a game or take the easy way out. "Give me something good."

"Alright... Go ask Keith for a motorcycle ride, you back out you lose." Lance had to hold back a gasp and blush. He wasn't expecting anyone to involve Keith in this, and the fact that it was Keith bothered Lance even more. It was his crush! But again Lance never liked to lose so he hesitantly got up after a good luck pat on the back from Hunk before making his way towards where Keith stood with Shiro.

"He's popular Shiro, he would never talk to me." Keith hand noticed the boy walking towards him as he spoke to Shiro again about his crush.

"He notices everyone Keith. This is Lance that we are talking about, why not just talk normally to him..." Shiro, gave a look to Keith that made Keith trust him. But yet Lance wasn't the one to take relationships seriously in his point of view and this crush was probably pointless.
"Whatcha talking about over here?" Lance had spoken up before Keith could respond, sending the ravenette bad boy jumping slightly in shock of the sudden appearance beside him. "Alrighty then, you are as silent as ever huh?"

Shiro seemed to have a smirk on his face as he opened the door to his car and got into the driver's seat. "Nothing important, I'll catch you later Keith..." worth hay he left the two boys alone, both getting fairly uncomfortable with the silence.

"Was there something you wanted Lance?" His glare towards the tanned boy seemed real but in his mind he was hoping Lance wouldn't walk away. Lance's smile faltered slightly as he began thinking that this was a bad idea, what if Keith told him no. But he wasn't going to lose.

"Actually, yes... I want a ride, I've never been on a motorcycle before." Lance held back his blush, this was just the school bad boy. It wasn't anything but a dare. Keith on the other hand was questioning which person dared Lance to do this, it couldn't have been anyone else to ask him for a motorcycle ride. But like Lance, Keith hated losing and making someone else lose a game that he wasn't part of wasn't fair, it was losing for him too. When else will he get the chance to be alone with his crush.

"Get on..." Keith tossed Lance his red helmet, swinging his leg over the bike and holding it up with his opposite leg. Lance looked at the helmet cautiously, didn't Keith need one? "I've ridden without one before, if you don't get on you can lose your game..."

"You wish I would lose..." He slipped on the helmet, hearing faint cheers from across the lot as he swung a leg over the bike and sat behind Keith. The motorcycle was started but the Cuban male was confused on why the other boy wasn't starting to drive. "Are we going to go?"

"I knew you were stupid Lance, but not this stupid! What are you going to hide on to?!" Lance blushed, happy that the helmet was covering his face as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around Keith's waist tightly. There were howls coming from laces huge group of friends as they rode off, Keith fighting back his blush. It was only harder to hold back when Lance was screaming into the crock of his neck though the helmet and tightened his grip on the smaller boy's waist.

They rode around town, Lance eventually cheering before they stopped at the edge of town where it was fairly empty except for the few elderly people walking with their significant other.

"That was freaky!" Keith let out a chuckle, shaking his head as he sat on the grass under the shade of a tree. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, just the fact that you were scared..." Lance laughed loudly before sitting next to Keith whose face began turning a bright red, Lance wasn't any better. "Why would you agree to it if we didn't get along?"

Keith was truly curious. He believed his crush hated him, that's how they always acted around others. Lance on the other hand was curious on why Kieth didn't mind so much about him being close. But it was time for Lance to admit his feelings, even to get rejected he needed to get it off of his chest.

"I hate to say this but I like you Keith..." Keith was shocked but took it as Lance wanting to be just friends.

"Then let's be friends. What's the worst that could happen when we aren't constantly neck to neck?" But Lance wanted more than friends, he needed Keith to understand. Being friendzoned was the worst thing that could happen now that they were alone.

"No, I mean that I have romantic feelings towards you Keith." Lance's face turned red, and Keith's looked almost just as red as he realized what Lance was saying. But he still didn't know if Lance was just messing with him because he somehow figured out his feelings. But he knew Lance wouldn't do that unless other people were around so it could be real. If he admit his crush to the other boy he didn't have anything to lose either so why not go for it.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I felt the same?" Lance almost fell onto the grass. The unemotional, bad boy Keith liked him and shared the same feelings as him. It was nearly a dream, except one thing hadn't happened, a kiss.

"You... you like me? Really?"

"You're going to ruin it McClain, just kiss me..." that's how it happened, Keith had his hand behind Lance's head, pulling their faces close together into a deep kiss. Lance soon snaked his arms around Keith's waist in an attempt to deepen the kiss.

They both pulled back for air, taking deep breaths as both their faces turned red. This was the last romance that anyone would see coming. But neither wanted anyone other than their close friends to know yet, they wanted to make it better before others around the school found out that the bad boy and clown were together.

"Can we keep this quiet for a little Lance?" Lance gave a small smirk, a sweet one that made Keith's heart warm up. The tanned male nodded, giving his boyfriend a small kiss before getting up and grabbing the helmet.

"Since we already ditched school... you wanna give me the ride of my life?" Keith gave a smirk, getting up and hopping on his motorcycle, Lance climbing on the back and grabbing Keith's waist as the drive off down the curved rides of the peaceful part of town.

So this may or may not be a more than one part story but here you go home slices 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

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