Keith and Lance Q & A

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Hey guys!!! So I am back with this and I know I did answer one question in an earlier chapter and I just recently got another one so I decided to answer that as well as ask you guys to ask more questions!!! If you already asked one, if you think of more, ask away and Keith and Lance will answer so I guess they will get to the questions.

This is a question from TheSarcasticRussian

Lance if Keith had a heat (since he's a half galra) would you be fine with being his alpha? And how would you feel if he could get pregnant?

Lance: Hey @TheSarcasticRussian  ! To answer your question, I would be perfectly fine with being his alpha! I mean I don't mind always being his alpha, actually.

Keith: Not happening! If I have a heat, I don't mind him being alpha but not on any other occasion will I allow Lance to be alpha!

Lance: Sure babe, we all know your secret.

Keith: And that is?

Lance: You want me to be the real alpha...

Keith: Keep dreaming pretty boy.

Lance: *laughs* Anyways, to clear that up. I would be very happy to be alpha if Keith had a heat. You also asked how I would feel if he was able to get pregnant. I would be really happy if that were the case. I mean, I had a huge family at home and am hoping to have a fairly big one in the future.

Keith: We are not having a huge family. Maybe one child, but I am not getting pregnant.

Lance: I am having a hge family and I woudl be very happy if Keith were able to get pregnant and hopefully we can find a way to do that!

Keith: Oh the joys...

Lance: *Kisses Keith's cheek* Love you babe... Anyways thanks for the question , and I can't wait to see what else comes up in the future!

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