What I would Do

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Me I was raised to respect women,
Never let them down never leave them Wishin,
Always be the one to protect them well,
And if I don't I might as well burn in hell,
See this life doesn't have it cut out for me,
But I try my best to live happily,
Walking around look at all the negativity,
The I look at the smile of my queen,
She turns everything to light when she sees me,
She sends my darkness out every time she glances at me,
When no ones there she's who I look to,
The one I hope to hold hands and kiss too,
Hugging, laughing, talking having fun,
Someone that appreciates me for what I've become,

Let me tell ya something check this out

For a woman like that I'd doing anything for,
I'd break any man who touches her or causes her harm,
I'd fly to the moon killing alien swarms,
And I'd come home to her so I can hold her in my arms,
I'll be her shoulder she can cry on,
Her pillow she can lie on,
And a funny amazing girl I can say she's the bomb,
I'd go to the place where they make money,
And put her face on it saying come and get me,
But I'll escape cause with you by my side,
There is nothing to stop US,
Another Bonnie and Clyde,
But this time we'll survive,
I'll leave our persuers strapped to an uranium bomb,
I'll fucking mark permanent ink on the sun,
Yeah I'll risk my life,
But your my love and your my life,
Without you there is no meaning to life,
In fact everything was gray til you put color inside,
I hope to carry you outside,
Then later at night,
Will gaze at the stars thinking about all life,
For you I'd climb every mountain,
See every peak and turn them into fountains,
Then I'll gaze at your smile,
And then I get the urge to run for some miles,
A gal who loves me I'll do anything for,
I'll never ignore her she's the one I adore,
I'll ignore all these other chicks without meaning,
Because without you my life has no meaning,
Life is gone and I'm fading into dark,
And all I remember is that day we were at the park,
And I saw you with him,
Put a gun to my head and that was the end.

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