
19 6 1

A thing that determines whether you pass or fail,

Doesn't prove you learned anything  just shows you were there tooth and nail,

Doesn't mean you're stupid if you don't get the A,

Just means it's even more attention you pay,

Grades make school nothing, but a competition,

GPA really doesn't have any importance till the college tuition,

Grades are something that puts you in a hindering position,

And if you get the straight A you're worshipped by the principle,

Teachers pet,

To make all the other kids so jealous,

So is this classified as predestined bullying?

Yes, clap your hands as they walk to the middle of the auditorium ,

 But in the back alley the kids make them swallow magnesium or sanchezium,

Hehe (Rick and Morty)

Wonder what it does to the human body,

This shows you don't have to be a Straight A to find out what harms thee,

Don't mean you need straight A's to be the smartest person in the class,

Cause if you remember the only ones who had good education was from the upper class,

The poor didn't have schools to attend to at all,

And I'm from that class walking down the same halls,

As people from different races,

People from different places,

People with different backgrounds,

Some class clowns,

But at the end of the day,

Whoever is acknowledged is the one that gets the A,

The one they ask the answer from,

The one who has to do the homework,

The one that has to do athletes dirty work,

They'll pay you or maybe not,

They'll save you or maybe not,

But if you didn't have to work for a grade you won't have to be a target,

Anyone can copy someone else's work,

So how are they really learning,

Pass or fail,

Duck or dive,

Walk or fly,

Do or die,

Whoever said I need an A to be the next Einstein, Aristotle, Da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Fredrick Douglass Rick Sanchez,

Just cause I don't aim for the A to downside creativity,

Doesn't mean I can't create another law of relativity,

Like who made all the colors on Earth?

Who says orange is orange,

Who says Green is Green?

If a man or woman said such thing,

Then me as another man can say an opposite thing,

Who said numbers go 1 2 3 4,

It only makes since now cause you've this number order for quite some time has been knocking on your door,

But what if the order was said to be 9 3 7 5,

You would believe this is the natural order simply cause you're alive,

If I were to go back in time and change one thing,

A grade isn't how we would determine intelligence,

A grade won't determine who gets the job,

School a place of learning,

No a place of yearning for an A,

I'm human I can make up words too,

The only difference is I ain't in the same place as you,

You who look down upon me,

You who still frown upon me,

You who laugh at every decision I make,

From every life I take,

From every single mistake,

From every time it's something I misplace,

Who said things should have a natural order,

Who are you to say this planet has borders,

Who are you to simply own land,

When this place here was made before man,

Then you destroy the Earth and say you're making it better,

Who told you that?

An A?

An A isn't anything besides an order,

That just so happened to be the first of the alphabet,

So take that Z put it in the A spot tell me what you notice.


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