Feminist Bullshit

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Sometimes it's out of rage,

Sometimes it's out of spite,

Sometimes it's out of stupidity,

And most of it is just not right,

But don't just sit there like everything a woman does is right,

Don't sit there and just pick a side,

Cause of your own view,

There is always more than one viewpoint,

Manipulative and vindictive,

And what's worse is they think only men cheat,

They think only men sneak and creep,

While the female stays committed,

Aye but I guess when they really cheated they really didn't do it,

Or they did it because of the man's doing,

He wasn't enough,

But when a guy does he's a dirty dog that should die,

In this sexist ass fight,

How could a man ever lie his hands on a woman?

I don't agree with it nonetheless,

But you gotta admit that every woman isn't the best,

Like every man,

But that doesn't immediately make every man shit,

And today's feminism is absolutely that: shit,

Cause if every man is already assumed a rapist,

If every man is only out there for pussy,

Wtf does that make you?

Dearest counterpart of mines,

Created and born the same way as me,

Beautiful and mature opposite of me,

But the marches are stupid so they've basically became men,

They basically went from wanting to be equal to another triggered feminist sequel,

Just another fucking thing to laugh at,

Iv'e seen pain in men eyes before they've died,

I've seen a man work miracles like bringing the doomed back to life,

He committed his life to this woman who committed her life to other guys and the newest high,

And so he died before her,

But before he did that he took care of her completely,

Bathed her,

Changed her 46 year old diapers,

Dealt with her aids infested ass,

That she got from another man and left him to crash,

He took care of her for the rest of his life that came up short,

Oh but wait,

Is the worst female still better than the greatest man?

Don't answer that cause this man waisted his life and I'm sure you don't give a damn,

India women are innocent til proven guilty,

But a man guilty til proven innocent,

You wanna know a name that constantly echoes in my mind?

Carolyn Bryant,

Emmet Till's murderer,

He'd still be alive if it wasn't for her little white lie,

Don't come at me with "those were different times" 

That's not what the fuck you said when you said women have been abused by men for all time,

Bring up master's wife,

Had a black man to have sex with her so he can excruciatingly die,

Women killers,

Just like men killers,

The only difference is women don't get caught,

But it be like that though,

Women don't need men,

Fucking die there's no need for you to reproduce anyway,

You fucked up anatomy and biology,

And it's not all women,

Even other women disagree,

But I'm just saying women aren't all holy,

There's good and bad within every sex,

Good and bad within every race,

Good and bad at every place,

So I guess next time a female beats a guy's ass he should let her and end up lying bloody, beaten and unconscious in the middle of the street,

Don't get me a wrong,

She takes away the sad songs,

I have a girl who is the world to me,

I'll never lay her my hands on her and call her out of her name,

Even if there's a certain name she calls me,

Fuck that violence is in a man's veins bull shit,

And not every female is mature,

And a man isn't put on Earth to just endure,

Everything snaps at a point I'm very sure,

Don't say "females don't have that violent nature"

Cause the only mother that hasn't beat me yet is mother nature. 

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