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The end of everything,
Desecration a path of destruction that meets the seams,
I'm left there standing alone,
No crowd no human yeah I'm really alone,
In pain that fills the cracks,
And it is humanity that I lack,
Cause one and only isn't really one and only is that a fact,
Death is knocking for me at the door,
I hope I get my intestines ripped out slowly,
I hope someone takes my eyes shove rods through them for me,
I hope someone snaps my neck,
Pain, pain is my art,
Rip off my head feed it through to my heart,
Wrap my intestines around me leave gashes with things oh so sharp,
Tear my eyes out feed it through to my soul,
Make me drown from every orface of my body,
Stab a hook through my skull now you got me,
Rip my back open,
Tear me to shreds,
I don't wanna be alive i wanna be dead,
Nail me to a table drill through my back,
Rip of my skin leave a gory sight,
I hope I go out in the most painful way in life,
Bite into my neck,
Rip the through the skin tear through the flesh,
The lights go out,
A blade takes place of my vertebrate out through my mouth,
My nails are plucked off one by one,
Pull by pull as a needle stabs through the fleshy insides,
A lighter is lit against my eyes,
Spikes penetrate every orface of my body,
Smashed up torn apart limb from limb,
I'm a sack of wet noodles bending beyond human comprehension,
Darkness rises that means no more life,
I hear black is beautiful all the time,
So death is black,
So death is beautiful,
Why value life I'm slowly drifting over to the dark side,
Voice is darker to deal with the pain,
This is something no one can't change,
Pain all I know is Pain.

Words Of A MircaleWhere stories live. Discover now