I feel like

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I feel like I'm in a limitless world,
Only I'm in the portion where I'm boxed in,
A world where there's nothing really stopping,
But there's a stop sign in front of every single one of my actions,
Time keeps passing,
But the clock has only ticked once,
I thought when you flip the hour glass, new time had begun,
But when they tipped the hour glass it's like my life has spun,
Struggling just to be me,
I thought if anyone would know,
The best me would be the me-est, me,
I mean, so what if the scars are pretty deep,
When you look at the wound, my skin's pretty clean,
I hate being out of options,
I've learned in math there's always more than one way to solve a problem,
But it seems like my only solution is enduring,
I see a person with no face,
Well they have one, but it's decisions they refuse to make,
So I guess we both feel like we're limited in options,
Only there's in more obvious and they refuse to take it,
I'm burning up just to freeze inside,
I'm living up to my potential just to die inside,
I wish I could show my inners and make them my outters,
But this is a fodder for the innest, outtest inner,
I've been broke in,
More like broken,
All my belongings have been taken,
And the words I've spoken,
Aren't even being sent,
They have to get over the gravity of the situation,
But they go to unwanted ears,
So my whole statement his decimated,
And taken over ignorance and lack of reason,
That's just great,
Guess I have to actually play this game,
So I can steal a base,
To be eaten on a dinner plate,
Fight back, so they regurgitate,
Just to walk away and find nothingness to concentrate,
Mind someone else's business with no hesitation,
To undergo the same fate with no lesson.

Words Of A MircaleWhere stories live. Discover now