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A start a beginning to everything,
Good, bad, greater good, yeah those kind of things,
But it doesn't matter open your eyes see what I see,
Peel back the skin see what color we bleed,
No, nevermind would you like to know that our flesh is red-ish pink,
But oh no y'all don't care,
They don't look like you on the outside it's this you can't bare,
They don't walk like you, talk like you, breathe like you either,
So you hold it against them like built up seizures,
I'm getting so sick of it someone check if I have a fever,
Blue eyes and brown eyes what's the difference,
As long as you can see line for line sentence for sentence,
And it's not every other race I mean it's in every single race know I meant this,
I hate walking outside every single day,
Taste the rain,
Just to get stared at just because of my face,
Just to be insulted one more day,
We're all human,
We all are shaped the same look the same except for our skin,
Wait but then again,
What about the stereotypes that we can't defend?
Is it these you cling on to just so that you feel special or different,
That you hold against others so you feel superior to them,
We got to end the racist blights,
We got to end the racist fights,
That's another person willing to fly another kite,
Just like you so tell me the difference,
Let me get a vision,
Hmm take away our eyes delete our past,
What's the difference between ever race now we should cast,
Go on tell me what's the difference between us all,
Cause at the end of the day guys still have dicks and balls,
Gals have vaginas applause,
I just tied humans together but you wanna go DNA,
Your chromosomes that make up your face,
No matter what color you are if your a guy your X and she left me oh Y,
And if your a gal you wonder why the X leaves after the neXt,
They don't do what you do or say what you say,
That's what makes humans special we're all different in various ways,
It's from this we'll all grow and adapt,
But if you remain hating each other we're killing each other in a trap,
Wonder how fast it takes a spider to snap back?
*snaps* it's only as simple as that,
And that's how long it takes to kill a whole race,
But no not individual race,
The human race the place we call home the home we call race,
Drop one more atomic bomb we'll have a giant Pompeii,
You can be dark as the night or light as white paper,
But that doesn't stop me from loving that person,
You make up who you are,
Not your skin it's your act your words,
Don't run about like it's a stupid curse,
Be proud of who you are,
Be proud of your skin,
If we all do this we all can win,
I said it once I'll say it again,
Peel back the skin what color are we within,
Nothing to depend on not melotonin,
Cause the only us that matters is the us within.

Words Of A MircaleWhere stories live. Discover now