Dear Me

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What does little me have to say?
I hear all of these Dear Future me's thought I give it a try,
But thinking what's the point I already told y'all bout my life,
I told y'all everything from darkness to the brighter side,
But even bright lights have their own dark points in time,
I got jumped yes that's a fact,
But did you know that I used to stump on rats?
I love animals that is true,
But did you know a snake bit me at 2?
Blood leaking everywhere,
So you all know how snakes hisssss?
When I was 6 I used to iron them watching the scales kiss,
I was a troubled one,
A fatherless son,
A rape victim who's life just begun,
A moddest kid who thought he was far beneath everyone,
Once a bug stung me,
But I told no one as my arm was pulsing,
When I was 18 months I touched the yellow line in the street,
No cars were coming,
And when dad got me soon as he hit the curb cars were speeding,
Did you know that when I was 8?
I saw a chicken get executed at the stake,
And it was running all over the place,
And you should of seen the horrified look on my face,
Then they took out a goose,
Grabbed it by its head,
Wrang it by the neck while it wished to be dead,
Then they cut its neck,
But it wasn't completely off,
It ran up the street then its head and neck fell off,
I ran to it with tears in my eyes,
As I'm looking into it own eyes,
Watching the pain relieved expression fade away into disguise,
It never did anything wrong,
I closed its eyes and started walking on,
Did you know when I was 8?
My cousin and brother played with a 2 by 4,
All the adults drunk and ignored,
And I ran passed and a nail went through my head,
Blood leaking all in the shed,
And I bled and I bled,
But it wasn't a tear that was shed,
Now not every memory is bad,
Let's go back to when I was 5 and I wasn't so sad,
I still had a Dad,
There was a teacher her name was Mrs. Rigby,
She made me feel better about being at school,
We went to the circus I slept on her shoulder,
She carried me to the bus,
And back then no one would cuss,
It was happiness,
That was quick to go into the disposal,
I remember when the Christmas lights were magical,
I remember when life wasn't natural disastural,
And people loved one another,
But I guess that wasn't the real world,

So Dear me please don't let no one change you,
No one rearannge you,
Let no one say what you can or what you can't do,
Don't let people limit your limitless power,
Cause your voice can mean a lot at the end of the hour,

"Puff the Magic Dragon Lives In The Sea"
Shut up weirdo you can't sing,
But this is afterall a school of bullies,
Who spit on you and tell you which way to walk,
Use you for your brains until it all rots,
And you're just like them,
I remember when I used to have the ugliest handwriting,
I remember when I was reading with emotions and everyone was emotionless robots,
Just there cause they were made to be,
Not enjoying anything,
Writing cuss words on the bathroom stalls,
Writings all over the walls,
Drawing private parts til the teachers call,
I suddenly remember waking up death all around me,
Now noticing lifeless bodies don't affect me,
I've been hardened souless without any feeling,
But yet at the same time there are people I love dearly,

So dear me protect them,
At all costs,
Your life is a vessle for their lives not to be lost,
Let your eyes be as cold as the driven frost,
Be the king of your own world your own boss,

I once liked a girl,
She played me,
And I had her cutting within that same week,
But that's what happens when all I am is nice to you,
And you start playing me leaving Blue's Clues,
When I was 1st grade there was a girl who would always kiss my cheek,
And I was mean to her and I take back everything,
Well I was still nicer than other things,
But I believed in stupid things such as cooties,
And how was I to know that there was a such thing as love in the 1st grade?
But I was so sad when she finally went away,
Had a blessing and you crashed it,
Like monster trucks burning in a crash pit,
Remember when we went to the zoo,
I was mesmerized by the animals even the crocodiles too,
Dumb kids started throwing rocks in there too,
And I was laughing when they started climbing the bridge,
But I still ran away and they closed down the park due to dumb kids,
I remember going to Worlds of Fun,
I was terrified of heights,
Yeaaaaaah so fun,
I wouldn't ride a thing,
Even if you paid me,
So I didn't even move unless someone made me,

Dear me don't let anyone judge you,
Don't listen to what they say,
Unless they are the one you're with at the end of everyday,
Unless they are the reason every kiss begins with K,

They call you gay cause you're weird,
Call you white cause you speak with them hoping they it won't be persevere,
You make little songs and sing better than they do,
And you shine brighter make better grades doodidoo,
Old stories and it's all the same,
So this time this is really no pain,
No words can harm me even if it's the old school,
Like when I was in Texas and teachers were racist,
She said you're a good student grab your treat,
Then called my mom and told her I stole something,
Made me sit in the back of the bus along with all the black kids,
There was only three,
My sister, my brother and oldest one me,
And sometimes the bus driver would leave without me,
So I'd walk home alone,
There was a kid I knew his name was Dultin,
He was one of my close friends,
But his mom and his other caretaker was Lesbo,
And when a Gay Pride march came along,
They gave him make up, lipstick, booty shorts and a long sleeve shirt to put on,
He ran to our house trying to hide,
They knocked on the door and pretended no one was inside,
They came back later after the march,
And said I'm gonna call the police on you for kidnapping,
My mom said you'll go to jail first for neglect and abuse,
Neglecting his feelings and making him wear that too,
We left Texas soon,
My past few birthdays have been nothing but me walking in the rain,
It rains everyday on my birthday,
Such a gloomy gloomy day,

So dear me look only at the stars,
Afterall that's where the brightest things are,
They guide eyes and make the closest things far,
So dig down deep find out who you really are,
Cause life isn't everything you see,
Life doesn't end and begin with me,
Do what you want and need to be free,
Dear Me.

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