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Someone said this poem was terrible what do you guys think?

Please let's be original come with your own,
See you are my light and you're never alone,
You have me,
And not a second goes by that your without me,
Not a minute flies by that I don't think,
About how amazing a person you are to thee,
How beautiful you are everyone can see,
But they fail to open their eyes instead bang their heads against trees,
Then their tears fall down like the leaves,
Because you don't care about them anymore they're no longer the key,
To your heart,
And we'll see who'll soon have splinters that are sharp,
But you don't step on them they go straight to the heart,
They broke your heart into pieces who's gonna pick it up?
Stitch it up?
Cause you thought they once hated you,
Neglected, broken, and yes confused,
But now they are wondering what should they do,
And you'll only care about the few who didn't leave you,
And you left them in the dust and burned all the clues,
Because you're the important one to lose,
And you'll see everyone one of them die by the noose,
Who's the light you seek or choose,
Search deeper look into the few,
Don't ever change you,
Look into the light choose what you choose.

Words Of A MircaleWhere stories live. Discover now