Too Consumed

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You fell in and don't know what to do,
All you ever think about is her what can you do?
She became your life, goal and aspirations,
Your complete dedication,
And you wanna be with her in every situation,
I'm too consumed,
Everyone's seeing it to,
Got every class so I could be around her,
Listen to love music constantly,
Now my insides feel full and bubbly,
What's going on with me?
Outside I'm calm cool and level-headed,
But inside everything jumps at the very sight of her,
My insides melt at her touch,
Can't get it out my mind,
The look in her eyes,
I'm too consumed,
Taken in by the influence,
She became my drug and I became the addict,
Hearts in my eyes from her every movement,
I can't help but gaze at her pictures,
But to look at everything I've wrote for her,
But to wish I could spend every second with her,
I'm pulled in too much,
How can 5 days a week possibly be enough?
Whenever she's sad I'm boiling inside,
And it's nothing inside alive,
When the weekend comes I feel deprived,
Of my life,
And there's nothing I can do but go home,
Lay on my bed and listen to the same songs,
I've heard 1,468 times,
Sit on my roof gaze at the stars and form her eyes,
I'm too consumed,
I do everything to not look stupid in front of her,
Answer every question,
Pass every subject,
I even think twice as hard before I speak,
Before I even let a word leak,
I'm so consumed I don't know what to do,
I'm healed when she comes in pain when she leaves,
A pattern I didn't intend to seek,
My body is gaining unstable heat,
What is this?
It feels like my soul is on fire,
Emitting flames to create eternal wildfires,
My breathes are heavier than blocks if ice,
Hot and cold,
Like you and me,
The only flame that cold can't put out is eternal,
And flames can't melt hell frozen over,
I constantly think about being with her in a room,
I'm happy I get to see her soon,
But thinks of the breaks ahead is like a monstrous monsoon,
And I'm just...I'm just,
Sigh* too consumed.

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