Man Period

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Huh, that's funny,
I never see those words together,
And whether you can tell or not is what makes it even sadder,
Yeah that's right,
There's the labor pain, monthly and baby,
You wanna speak of pain?
At least yours comes back to bite another day,
Maybe even harder than ever,
No, matter what the weather,
And I know it's excruciating,
But you see this difference,
In the age that we live in,
People would rather die than be embarrassed,
So what's that feeling?
What is a period?
A man....period?


It's the fucking feeling at the store,
When you're shopping too long,
The feeling when we say you're perfect and you still think you look wrong,
When you talk about what everyone else will say,
But they aren't the ones who have the wedding vows to say,
They ain't your world,
They ain't your man,
And what they think I generally don't give a damn,
The feeling that boils inside when I'm not the one you want to talk to,
And you tell your friends things,
Before you wanna tell me,
You tell me to get away,
Speak to someone else,
And by the time you come back you expect me to be happy,
Well sadly,
I'm at the point where my heart is giving up,
It feels like I lost my touch,
Cause I'm not the one you look forward to cheering you up,
It's the feeling when you swat me away,
The feeling of everyone else picking you apart,
But you yell at me like I don't have your heart,
To the right guys for you,
You gals are the best part,
Best part of life,
Best part of the day,
Best part of the night,
Whether you're in pain and gouging out our eyes,
Or when we're laying down and we're gazing into your eyes,
Everyone screams for equality and we feel it,
Like you harsh in brace,
When we wipe the tears off your face,
And yet you still want to walk away,
So WTF am I supposed to say?
Didn't give me the option to speak,
You play with our emotions like hide and seek,
Imagine being sentenced to work til' your back broke,
Oh man the rules are already being switched,
Only when we trade spots you act like dicks,
So we're more like Women's lapbitch,
So feel it Man,

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