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What are the things we hold precious?
Life, family, friends, things,
Ask yourself are they really,
Let me open your eyes to see what I see,
People dying who valued their lives,
Men that cheat on their once loved wives,
Friends that you see die as day and day go by,
Things that will still be here when you die,
Now I ask you again,
Your very own life,
That expires day after day goes by,
And you still say I am happy to live,
Men get stabbed down for not minding their own business,
Each time a person says that life is valuable life is precious,
It makes me think why cause it can cease to exist,
Why cause you can find someone to comprehend it,
And lie about it later making people feel like s****,
Life is being tied together like sewing webs,
Like old men dying in beds,
And you ask what's the relevance,
Well that was once a man in his prime,
Once counting dimes,
Once living life,
Sitting down under train watching life go by,
And at the same time seeing his own life,
Flash before his very eyes,
Looking down the barrel of a gun,
Held by the same person you love,
A friend or a love one in desperate times,
Like a person doing his passion and forget his lines,
Oh yeah someone got in a car crash,
Oh yeah I'm named after a person, who got his head smashed,
Oh yeah people die every day man,
And I look back its okay damn,
Just thinking about it is above comprehension,
Lets also not forget to mention,
That since we are black we have a horrible past,
Look at history,
It's almost just a mystery,
History is nothing but man's story,
And watching people die is getting boring,
People die and just throw up their lives,If life was REALLY precious then why do they die?
Instead of trying to live longer you only have one life,
It's not a game with infinitive lives,
If love is good and love is life why do people die?

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