What did I do wrong

18 4 2

I remember that one day,
You were lonely and I was saying grace,
You had been through a lot of things today,
And needed someone to lean on,
Gave you my shoulder let you rest in my arms,
Stayed up night after night with you,
Making sure you wouldn't be alone,
And you made me happy but did I in return,
Cause now I'm feeling hell from you and we're both getting burned,
Mad cause of various things,
That are pointless to anybody,
But that doesn't stop you from still wanting my body,
Ok I'll break it down like:

Rp with other guys and add me to the group,
Just to see the anger in my eyes flow into dudes,
But then I remembered they didn't do it it was you,
When you left me for a guy who didn't even want you,
He left you,
And I was there when you were hurt and bruise,
Picked up your pieces and I was the glue,
Found forgiveness in my heart but you still deny I love you,

You left me down and broken and I'm singing these sad songs,
I sacrificed countless hours affecting my health excruciating and long,
Cause I woke up every single day saying I love you,
But now I realize you hesitated when you said I love you too,
I guess the only thing I did wrong was be with you...

I see oh yeah I remember when you called yourself ugly everyday,
I was there to call you my beautiful goddess everyday,
Cause your not ugly I've seen ugly in and out,
The bitterness that rots your core we can go without,
I was there when the guys were talking about you,
I remember waking up everyday happy to talk to you,
But then you were constantly looking at other people,
Tryna make me jealous,
Well guess what that means there shouldn't be an us,
You told me you felt special when you found me,
That it was different from the others,
Don't leave me please I have no one,
Now I believe you cause of all the shit that you done,

Do you have a right to be mad at me,
Cause all I see,
Is me being an angel to thee,
And feeling the wrath because you take your period out on me,
(Figuratively not literally)
I put you on a pedistol above all,
And I suffer because you wanna kill that pedistol and lay with the dogs,
And now that's alright with me,
Your starting to mean nothing to me,
And I don't need eyes to see,
You start caring about me more,
But that's cause no one now wants you wh-,
You almost made me call you out your name again,
But you gotta understand because of you this is happening,
Indeed the only thing I did wrong was bring you in,

You said you are caring bout me less and less,
Losing interest,
But really who is the one,
Cause you be texting me all day when I'm gone,
You be crying I'm sorry for no reason now what's begun,
Now you actually have feelings for this angel,
So what was that in the beginning,
Your remorse,
Of course,
Because you think you said something or did something wrong now,
You don't know what to believe anymore,
Poetry a language I wrote since I was 4,
But this language cuts deeper than a knife,
Digs into your soul and mind,
And we'll pick whatever comes out,
And I'll look for me in there,
And if I don't find me I swear,
Everything you said was a lie,
And I'm gonna tell you to look for the stars in broad daylight,
Cause that's your chances of being with me ever again,
You felt the rain pour that constantly pounded my skin,
I've made mistakes in my life and you my love were one of them.

Words Of A MircaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora