Not Understandable

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So the tears are falling she's mad at me,
But I'm confused as why,
Cause all I do is cherish thee,
And enjoy the look in her eye,
Questions lead to questions and one answer remained,
Why don't you assert your dominance on me?
Become a man okay,
I'm looking at her with a weird look on my face,
What do you mean my love?
She says stop being a little bitch enter your dominant stage,
So you want me to treat you unlike my equal,
Treat you like most other guys,
Make sure your head is always down, And when you look up to me you see the sky,
You want me to beat you up and call you inappropriate names,
Choke you out play with your life like it's some game,
No I love you I see you as my counterpart,
I gaze at your body like a work of art,
And we'll go with the prodical temple,
And the reason I won't hit you is simple,
The reason I don't cuss you out or smack you or anything like that,
Is because you look all around and you see guys smacking girls,
How do you want that?
Does that look like love?
Is that really something you want?
Then keep moving cause I vow to protect you,
Not wreck you and beat you to a pulp,
Then pick up the pieces and throw them up,
Get a broom sweep it up,
Throw it in the trash and call it bad luck,
I'm not gonna say you know your place and make you sit on the floor,
Like I'm some master that watches you eat off floor boards,
I won't beat you with my fists making you bleed,
I actually enjoy your smile and looking into your bright teeth,
I wanna see your eyes dazzling looking into mines,
Not to make them black and dull them instead of see them shine,
I want to hold your hand not pull you by a collar or leash,
I want a lady not an animal I force to feed,
I want a woman who knows love and love she seeks,
Instead of wishing to have a master with whom she can't sleep,
Finally my love I want is unique,
Someone who'd stay by my side never leaving me,
With her times mean nothing cause together we're infinity,
Together forever I'll love her throughout any weather,
Hold her through worse or better,
She's my delicate feather,
My pure angel that ascends from the sky,
You're mine all mines,
I said I love you forever that was a promise,
From our first talk, first sight, to our very first kiss,
I'll cherish every moment with you,
So where's your precious dominance?
Oh yeah it's all around,
Don't worry My Love you'll never be on the ground,
Yes I know what goes up must come down,
But I'll always catch you where's your dominance now?

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