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My friend you gotta look at the light,
The light that shines so bright,
The kind you see at the end if the tunnel or the midst of the night,
They wouldn't want you to worry bout their death when they had a much better life,
That time they went to go get ice,
And they would look at you and make you smile,
You'd look at them and wonder for a while,
How'd you live your life so you happily,
They were happy when bullets flew right past me,
You gotta know the story they give,
The life they lived,
The pinnacle of life and death the bridge,
Death is beautiful but so is life,
We get to see happiness and sometimes strife,
But I gotta ask you something,
If you give your love to someone why they live what does that mean,
You gave them their flowers while they were alive,
So don't be sad when they finally die,
Don't sit there not rejoicing and cry,
Because we all eventually lie,
Cold in the dirt frozen and hurt,
Lifeless and down,
Miserable with a smile or frown,
But all that matters is you find your light,
Cancel the dark and create your new life,
Be with someone you won't when you die,
Nor man or science knows what lies on the other side,
So live while you can,
Embrace it draw and dance,
Do new things Perry and prance,
And you'll eventually find your princess or prince,
There is someone out there for everyone we all got a chance,
You'll see your 1 in 8 billion,
Yeah you'll struggle through but that's what makes it life,
You can't know hate without experiencing love,
You can't know love without experiencing hate,
So live the life you can while making it great.

Words Of A MircaleWhere stories live. Discover now