Keep Face

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I am knowledgeable of the made up logic,
I make sense out of what possibly can't make sense,
And these conversations now be so dense,
Just trap me in a 12 foot fence,
I'm drowning in pain that is oh so dense,
But I guess knowing someone longer truly means something,
And the commitment one shares means nothing,
I guess you can call someone your one and only,
And then it's you and your friends and oh um him,
Hah lonely,
I sacrifice the pain of no normal human,
Take place of not one but two men,
I guess what I do is so stupid,
Cause I'll do anything for just one person,
It's not the fate of humanity,
Not suffering calamity,
But this feels like the heart is suffering mad tragedy,
It's raining  and it's pouring but this trip is so boring,
I'm signing out of a life existence,
And the the only pen is my own blood,
And the tub is filling up,
And it keeps gushing and gushing,
Blood keeps rushing and rushing,
I guess I'm the third-wheel,
See the pain look at it close take the seal,
And even though I never leave her anywhere alone,
She leaves me because of the cold,
Or maybe it's cause I'm so weird,
Can't keep my hands to myself,
I guess it's this that is fear,
I just keep face,
Even though death is in place,
Seizures are stacking up,
Left for dead like a major cut,
And I guess this is what it should feel like,
Be abandoned like a lost son,
So I'm secluded I keep to myself,
When someone calls you the love of your life,
Should you ever feel like her friends are her wife?
Maybe it's cause she play gay sometimes,
Maybe it's cause something doesn't feel quite right,
People say a woman's tuition is always right,
True I can't deny it is 95℅ of the time,
Everytime she's away I'm cold,
I feel like my souls been froze,
But I keep face,
The one that always stay in the same place,
And I can't forget old things,
No matter how your keeper treats you after she said those things,
I will always see her the same way,
Cause when she's angry her heart sings,
Try to find a way to stay even a glimmer of hope,
You're trying but you think 1,000 times before you leap,
I guess those words she say doesn't hurt your feelings,
But they really hurt mines,
And you say what real momma leaves their child behind,
What real mom sets up a room so darkness can happen at night,
Well what real grandma or mother says you fucked up my life,
And what real mother gets mad and says I don't have nothing nice to say to you ever,
Instead of understand she showed you her ways,
Her rage,
And you act like pain isn't necessarily pain,
But it doesn't only hurt you,
The things you say and slip up is painful too,
But oh well,
I'll find my own glimmer of light in your life,
Even if I have to dig deeper than everyone else in your life,
You stick with what hurts your feelings anyway,
So since you won't come for help or let me help you it's "oh ok."

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