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sunday, october 2
victoria maloley

"wake up" someone says to me, as i feel their figure sitting on the edge of my bed.

my eyes slowly open, as i see nate sitting there.

"im up, im up" i tell him, awaiting the reason as to why he's sitting on my bed while i was sleeping. but he says nothing, "so, uh, are you going to tell me why you were in here while i was sleeping?"

"you know that because you're my little sister, im gonna always look out for you, right?" he says, causing my eyebrows to pull together in utter confusion.

i nod, "yeah.. why?"

"and you know that no matter what, i'll always support you, right?" nate continues to confuse me, but i nod.

"you're beating around the point, nate. can you just tell me why you're in here?" i hurriedly ask, my patience declining quickly.

he nods and sighs, "i have noticed what's going on with you and gilinsky. i approve of it. but i swear to god, if that kid hurts you.."

"thank you! i love you!" i smile, getting up to hug him.

"okay, okay. i love you too. now go tell jack" he says, chuckling. i get up and stretch, then make my way downstairs. but before i go down, i brushed my teeth and hair.

"morning vic" johnson and sammy say in unison, i smile in return.

"hey guys" i say, walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water, "where's jack?"

johnson shrugs, as sammy replies.

"about to go on a run."

i nod and go outside to the front yard to talk to jack.

"hey" i say when i see him. he was currently stretching, his arm muscles showing immensely.

"hey" he replies, "everything okay?"

"yeah.." i nod, as he approaches me.

he furrows his eyebrows, "then?" jack gently sets his arms on my waist, while he peers down at me.

"nate came up to my room this morning and woke me up with some nice news.." i say to him, my voice lowering.

"what do you mean?" he asks, pulling me closer to him.

a smile grows on my face evidently, "uh, he said he approves of us."

his eyes grow wide, causing me to giggle.

"you're fucking lying!?" he says, a smile on his face.

i shake my head, "he told me to come out and tell you what he said."

"im so happy, oh my god" jack says, embracing me. a smile is plastered on my face, obviously. i love this boy so much, and to know my brother approves.. it's just amazing and heartwarming.

"we're going on a date tonight" he states, "be ready at six, okay?"

"okay" i shrug, "i don't have anywhere else to go."

he smiles and kisses the top of my head.

"wait, jack?" i call him as he prepares to go on his run.

jack turns around, "yeah?"

"are we official now?" i question, kind of confused as to how this works.

"if you want. or you can wait until tonight when i ask you" he winks, "think about it and we'll talk when i get back."

i smile, "be safe!" i tell jack as he jogs down the driveway.

little sis - j.gWhere stories live. Discover now