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monday, november 1
jack gilinsky

victoria laid asleep in our bed, as i watch her peacefully breathe. her chest rises and falls with every intake of air.

today her brother is coming home, along with johnson and sammy. victoria doesn't know about today's line events.. that just makes the surprise all the more better.

after moments of watching my beautiful girlfriend, i roll around to reach out for my phone. when i raise it, it turns on to reveal notifications that came through the night. some text messages from nate and johnson are near the top. the text from nate being quite recent.

i slide my finger across and type in my code, opening up the message. when it's revealed, i read it:

ay bro my sister still know nothing?

before i respond, i rotate my head to look at victoria. she continues to sleep soundly beside me, thankfully.

yeah she's sleeping still. when you guys arriving?

once i press send, i slowly bring myself out of bed and carry myself downstairs. my phone vibrates, and when i look down nate texted back with the time they arrive. i walk into the kitchen, placing my phone down on the counter and prepare to make breakfast.

im not starving, but i am hungry for sure. no doubt. i pour out some orange juice into two glasses, one for her and one for me. victoria enjoys starting her day off with orange juice, especially since she hasn't been drinking coffee anymore.

i walked into the pantry, grabbing the pancake mix and walking back into the kitchen. with some water, some stirring and some setting, the pancake mix was finished and ready to be made on the oven. from liquid mix to circular pancakes, our breakfast was ready with some minutes of making bacon, too.

after all the unnecessary banging, swearing and running water caused by me, victoria was still asleep. i walked to her side of the bed, gently setting myself beside her. lightly, i brushed hair out of her tan face, revealing her sleeping peacefully.

"baby, wake up" i say just above a whisper, not wanting her to dart out of a sound sleep, but rather peacefully be taken out of it.

"mmm go away" victoria whines, rolling from her side to her stomach, digging her face into the pile of pillows, then covering herself with the sheets.

a chuckle leaves my lips, "c'mon, baby, i made breakfast for—"

"you made food!?" she happily says, uncovering her body from the sheets and looking straight into my eyes, "you better not be lying, gilinsky."

"im not, go downstairs" i instruct. she happily does as i say, running like a child on christmas morning.

as i followed in her tracks, i found her taking a seat at the island where the food lays.

"god i love you" she moans, taking a bite of bacon.

a smirk grows on my face, "if that's what you're like with food i make you, what are you like when—"

"im enjoying your food, so shut your dirty mouth" my girlfriend snaps, taking another bite of the food i cooked for her.

my response is a laugh, as i begin to think about how lucky i am to have her.

someone knocks on the door, kind of making me angry.

"who's that?" victoria furrows her eyebrows, "it's fucking morning people!"

i laugh, ignoring the door, "they'll leave."

she smiles and goes back to her food.

"hey, baby? i got to go out to the studio. are you okay with that?" i ask her. she nods in response.

"yeah, i never mind you going to work and do what you love, jack" she says, stretching her arm up and setting her hand on my cheek, "don't ask if im okay with it."

as i pull her hand down from my face, i hold it in my hand, "im so lucky to have you."

"i know" she cockily states, going back to the food that is almost finished in front of her. i shake my head and laugh, turning away and going up to my bedroom. the only reason im going to the studio is to pick up the three guys. they're taking a taxi there, then im bringing them back here.

the only struggle about this plan is trying to convince victoria to go out. how im going to get her to go out is beyond me, but somehow i'll accomplish it.

"okay baby, im leaving" i call out as im walking down the stairwell.

victoria stands from the chair and walks over to me, "have fun."

our lips lock, both moving at a fast pace. the quick kiss turns a corner, and is now a makeout session.

"okay, you got to go" she pats my chest, "if you don't, we know what'll happen."

"it's not a bad thing" i shrug, "i'll text you later."

"i look forward to it" she winks as i slip on my shoes, descending out the door.

• •

the four of us are back at the house, quickly setting up for victoria's arrival back home. the three are all in different parts of the home, the ones victoria visits most. i, on the other hand, am hiding in her least visited. only so then she doesn't find me first.

"she's home!" sammy yells from my bedroom, obviously seeing her car pull in the driveway.

moments later, the front door is evidently opened and shut, as my girlfriend's voice echos.


obviously, i don't reply.

"jack, this isn't funny... where the fuck are you?!" she calls out again.

minutes of her walking around have gone by, and she's finally headed to the room where sammy is. she walks in and screams.

"the fuck you doin' home!?" she yells, the three remaining of us coming out of our hiding places.

she turns around after hugging sammy, crying at the scene of nate.

"i missed you so much" she mumbles, hugging him tight.

"i missed you too" he states, letting her go.

she smiles at johnson and hugs him, "glad you're back, j."

"happy to be back lil m" johnson laughs, their embrace coming to an end.

"get ready, im taking you out" nate throws a demand at his sister, as she smiles and nods.

the three of us catch up on shit and chill, finally nate and victoria leaving to go catch up for themselves.

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