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saturday, october 2
victoria maloley

we were back to normal, somewhat, i mean. when we go out, it's awfully hard to keep a happy face on knowing that people are watching our every move. if we slip up and act lovey, they'll fire jack.

even if we show just the slightest of our relationship being okay or normal, he can get let go.

"hey babe?" jack snaps me completely out of my daze.

"oh, yeah?" my eyes quickly darting to his whereabouts.

a deep chuckle leaves his lips, "i asked what meat you wanted for dinner – chicken or turkey."

"oh, umm.. chicken, please" i smile. jack nods, moving from the kitchen island to the fridge. while i sit on the couch, i go through events that have occurred to lead up to the point we're at now.

you could say that there are harder things people go through, and yeah that is true, but we have gone through a lot as a young couple. his management making that much harder too.

while remembering events, the front door is knocked upon. jack looks at me and asks if i could get the door. i nod and stand up, slightly stretching, while i make my way over to it.

"nate!" i gasp, grasping hold of my brother. we hug for a good minute, "why're you here?"

"i came for dinner. jack invited me and the boys" he explains. i nod and let him come in.

confusion then washes over me, "then where's sammy and johnson?"

nate chuckles, "coming together, victoria. are we done playing twenty questions?"

"sorry, sorry" i apologize, rolling my eyes. nate sits himself down on the couch, taking hold of the tv remote and changing the channel.

• •

dinner was served by jack, which did make me proud. johnson is the only boy out of him, sammy and nate who know about the whole management thing. nate would flip shit, and so would sammy, which would make it a lot worse of a situation.

"so how's the agreement going?" johnson randomly brings up, causing jack and i's eyes to widen.

"oh, the agreement that i have to make victoria dinner every day for the next month... it's going good" jack quickly comes up with. while i, on the other hand, kick johnson in the leg under the table.

"ow..ohh" johnson quickly covers his ow, with an oh. jack and i are thankful for the recovery, because we know how that would've turned out.

the rest of the dinner was good. i mean, it wasn't frustrating or annoying. it was quite mature.

jack and i said our goodbyes to the boys as they all filed out.

"what time is it?" i ask jack.

he looks at his phone, "eleven thirty."

i nod, "thanks for dinner, babe."

"you're welcome" he responds, typing on his phone, "i want to tell management that i don't want the agreement anymore."

"what?" my head snaps towards him.

jack sighs, "yeah. im sick of this whole cover we're doing. it's with each other, and the lies to sammy and nate."

"jack, stop. you're crazy. you'll loose your career! you said it yourself, and so did they, that they'll make it hell for you when trying to make music!" i loudly say, standing from the couch.

"don't yell at me, victoria! you don't know what the fuck it's like. you just go on with your day normally!" jack yells, his words making my skin crawl.

i scoff, "normal? normal isn't fucking trying to keep my hands and lips off of you in public! normal isn't trying to not look happy in public with you! normal isn't my fucking life right now, nor is it yours! we are living no where near a normal fucking life, jack."

jack shakes his head, "then let me stop the agreement!"

"no! you worked so fuckin' hard jack.. and anyway, it's not just you in this. it's johnson, too! you know, your best friend?" i yell back, making a point.

"he agrees that i should stop it, victoria! you're the only one holding me back" he then calms down, "i thought we were in this together."

as i sigh in frustration, i sit and put my head in my hands. for a minute, i think things through, then putting my head jack up.

"i don't want to be the one holding you back. i never have wanted that, and you know it. im telling you my opinion, jack. you've worked so unbelievably hard to get where you are, and you've gone through tons of shit to prove people wrong. why would you want to give that up? just because you want us to go back to normal? what about everything you said yesterday. and what i said yesterday. nothing changes what i said, what changed with you?" i ramble, staring up at him.

he takes a seat beside me, "nothing's changed besides the fact that i want you. i want to be able to act normal with you out of the house, not just inside our home."

"jack, you went months and months with doing that. you went those months not even telling me! making me upset, hurt and confused. i think you can handle three weeks, can't you?" i explain, awaiting his answer.

"do you want me to that bad?"

i nod, "i don't want you to end the agreement. but if you really want to, then fine, jack. i just want you to be happy. im going to bed, think it through one more night."

"okay. goodnight, i love you" jack says, pecking my lips.

"i love you more, babe"

• • • • •

im officially baaaaaackk!! you could say that im on a roll with uploading, too? hope you guys are enjoying......

little sis - j.gحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن