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saturday, february 1
victoria maloley

"i spent my days worried about you! i spent my nights awake and lonely, all because you wouldn't care to talk to me! but obviously, other girls were more important to you" my voice lowering at the last sentence.

"you know that i never do anything to hurt you intentionally, victoria" he lies.

days before...

i woke up this morning - purely exhausted and upset, worried and angry.

it was another sleepless night, just last night i got a couple hours of sleep. normally i've been going without sleep or just a half hour or so.

i was awoken by a couple text messages. both from a person who i was expecting, but also shocked he texted me.

can i call you?
i don't want to wake you by calling

at this point, johnson cares more about me than my own boyfriend does.

pathetic? yep, i know. don't ask why i've stuck around.

im up, call whenever you get this

im not exaggerating when i say that seconds later, johnson called.

"hey" i breathlessly answer.

"hey.." his voice quite distant, yet sympathetic.

and i knew right then, this wasn't a conversation i wanted to have. but i had to.

"are you busy?" johnson adds.

i look down at my appearance, knowing i have no where to be.

"not in the slightest" i reply honestly.

"okay, good. i know im not with you, but i know you'll need to sit for this. so sit down, victoria" johnson instructs, "and grab a tissue box. it'll make me feel better if you do those two things."

taking a few moments, i do as told by johnson. finally telling him im ready to converse.

"you obviously know, being his girlfriend, how different gilinksy's been?" johnson wonders, me hm-ing in response, "okay.. well im here in no way to break you guys up. that's my very last intention. but i do want you to understand what's happening, victoria."

"can you just get it over with, johnson? im sick of being in the dark with his behaviour" i blunty ask.

johnson breaths in, then out, revealing my worst fears.

im in no way kidding when i say this.

my whole entire night has been hell.

crying, screaming, sobbing, then pathetically laughing at recounting countless events.

and that's when my brother interrupts me.

i debate whether or not i should decline or accept. finally deciding it would make matters worse if i decline.

"hello?" i try sounding as normal as possible.

"im at the airport and making my way to you. don't be afraid when someone knocks at your door, because it's me" nate says, shortly ending the call.

great. my brothers coming.

approximately an hour and a half later, my brother walked in with anger written all over his face.

immediately when i see him, i know exactly why he's here. and it causes me to instantly break down. my entire body gives out, falling into his arms and crying.

"toughen up, sis. if you dare fucking think you're going back in his arms, forget it, victoria. i told you from the start that if he fucked up with you, i'd fuck him up. and im being an adult and saying one thing, if you don't handle this. i will" nate sternly says, moments after comforting me.

"it's not that easy nate!"

and then the devil himself walks in.

nate looks at him, then looks at me. leaving the house. and leaving me with the most hardest decision of my life, and of our relationship.

"can we talk about this tomorrow?" i look at jack, causing him to nod.

present time...

"i never did anything, victoria!" jack defends, vigorously standing up from the leather couch.

i shake my head, "really? you never did anything, jack?! tell that to all the fucking proof i have!"

"proof?! you have jack shit on me!" he yells.

i pathetically laugh, knowing he's playing stupid.

my heads shakes, "you better well know that im not going to fall back into your arms. not this time. not again."

"you're going to, you always do" he smirks, "what's different this time?"

"what's different?! this time you cheated, multiple times, and are lying about it to. my. face!" i yell, throwing a nearby picture of us onto the floor.

the picture frame shatters into a million pieces, very well resembling my heart at the moment.

"i spent my days worried about you! i spent my nights awake and lonely, all because you wouldn't care to talk to me! but obviously, other girls were more important to you" i add, my voice lowering at the last sentence.

"you know that i never do anything to hurt you intentionally, victoria" he lies, making my head pound more.

i take a few minutes, going over every possible memory of us, anger growing which increases my strength towards the event that's ongoing.

"i can't do this anymore, jack. us, i can't do it. knowing that you were with other girls, while im here fucking worried about you... and you not giving a fuck about me.. im done, jack. you're fucking best friend had more of a care about me than you did!" i scream, "you took someone who was so in love with you, and you made them into someone who fucking hates you. so well done, jack gilinsky. i hope you live happily ever after with whatever bitch you choose."

and with that, i walk out of the home, being damn well sure to slam the wooden door hard on my way out.

as im making sure i have all my things, i breath in and out.

i just broke up with him.

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