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thursday, july 29
victoria maloley

after what had just occurred, i walked to my brother's house. it was a solid twenty minute walk, maybe a little more.

luckily i saw his house ahead, as my pace increased. his car was in the driveway, along with a couple others. i sighed. i knew exactly who's cars were in the driveway.

i walked up the stairs and knocked on his door. about a minute later, the locks are evidently being unlocked and the door opens.

"vic?" nate looks astonished, "why are you here? is everything okay?"

my eyes are heavy and stinging, signalling that im going to cry.

"no" i mutter, "i just need a hug from you."

his face drops, sympathy washing over it. nate embraces me immediately, remaining silent.

my emotions very well dominated the moment, and that's when i was left crying in nate's embrace. he pulls us apart and looks in my eyes.

"what happened?" he softly asks, bringing me inside his house. i heard all of the loud boy voices quiet down as i sniffle.

suddenly sammy appears, looking at me with sad eyes. he walks over with his arms open, myself falling into his arms in sadness.

"d-derek and i.. we broke up" i manage to get out. both nate and sammy's eyes widen.

"what did the fucker do?!" nate yells, ready to grab his jacket.

i am quick to stop his actions.

"i broke up with him. you don't need to go over there" i hold him back, my eyes practically pleasingS

then johnson and gilinsky come into view. lovely.

"tell us what happened" sammy says with all seriousness, "or else nate and i will go over and beat the shit out of him."

the lump that had grown in my throat caused me to hold back my words. but i swallowed it and sucked it up.

"he accused me of using him to get over jack. and i told him that was complete and utter bullshit, because jack has a new girlfriend and i didn't need jack in my life anymore. at least not as anything more than a friend" i state.

i avoid eye contact with jack the entire time, knowing this is awkward for both of us.

"go on" nate and sammy both tell me, while sammy kneels in front of me, and nate sits beside me.

"so then he continued to guess times when him- meaning jack- and i could have been together, and a time when i could have cheated. he accused me of cheating multiple times on him with jack, when i was out of the country or not even in contact with jack. so i told him that. then i told him to go through my phone as proof that, that is bullshit. but he refused" i roll my eyes.

i then continue to speak, "after that, i just told him that im not going to be in a toxic relationship where he obviously has no trust in me. then he said that he wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a..."

and that's when my words are obsolete. my tears take over and i begin to cry again. my tears are not all sadness, they're also anger.

"what did he say, victoria?" sammy pushes, resting his hands on my knees.

"he said he wouldn't want to be seen in a relationship with a whore anyway. so then i threw the picture of us on the dresser onto the ground and watched it shatter, and then i said how i was done with him. he said that i wasn't aloud to get the last words, so i laughed and said that, that was in his dreams. then i walked out the door" i recount all of the final events. each of the four boys have sympathetic and angry faces.

nate and sammy both look at each other, then back at me.

"do you want us to do anything?" nate asks me.

i shake my head.

"why not?"

"because i ended it! plus, he's your guys' friend and i don't want anything to be rocky because of my past relationship with him. jack is my ex, and he's right here. you guys stayed best friends with him, so i don't want you doing anything. please?" i plead.

nate nods and so does sammy. jack leaves the group, walking out of the living room.

"do you want to hangout here?" johnson asks me, putting his arm around my shoulders.

i shake my head, "i don't want to ruin your guys' boy time."

they all laugh, except jack.

"you're apart of us" johnson jokes.

"ew, no thanks" i smile. he shakes his head displeasingly, "i'll just talk to you later."

nate nods at my sentence directed towards him, as i lead myself out of his residence.

• • • • •

im hoping all of you are enjoying the book!!!!

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