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monday, july 20
victoria maloley

i messed up, but it's a mess that i don't regret. of course i would never intentionally want to hurt derek, but it happened.

he laid beside me, soft snores evidently heard.

from beside me, my phone buzzed once. then twice.

jack gilinsky
hey are you up?
we have to talk

in frustration, i sighed. i knew that we would have to talk and figure out why what happened, happened. obviously we both have unsettled feelings for each other, but both him and i have new partners in our lives.

both of the partners are apart of our lives, and don't need to be brought into this mistake.

yes im up & i agree

it didn't take jack too long to reply, but it took him long enough that i quickly regretted that response.

jack gilinsky
phone or person?

person. derek's asleep so i guess now??

jack replied with a one worded answer- yes. i quietly and carefully get out of the bed that i share with a sleeping derek.

i don't bother with makeup, but i brush my teeth and do every other hygiene essential.

before leaving, i made sure to write derek a note of where i was going, and when i'd be back.

• • •

"hey" jack greets me downstairs. as a reply, i softly smile.

"okay look" jack adds, "i know you don't want to be here, but we can't just pretend that what happened yesterday, didn't. because now my feelings have surfaced again, and they hit shore hard."

i laugh at his wording, as jack stays very serious.

"sorry" i mutter, "but jack, we're both in relationships! we can't just.. we can't just ditch them for one stupid mistake."

"mistake? that was a mistake?" he defensively asks.

when i look into jack's eyes, i see hurt. a lot of hurt.

as hard as i can, i try to find a reasonable explaination why i called it a mistake. but it was hard to. i wanted that makeout session to mean something special just as much as jack does.

"im with derek, jack. and now you have a girl, too. this can't happen, jack" i tell him calmly, "i love derek. and now i've cheated on him."

jack looks at me with zero compassion, zero sympathy, and zero emotion.

"so you're telling me, that if i gave you an option of breaking up with derek and running away with me, or staying with derek and never talk to me ever again, you'd do the second? all because you want to forget what happened between us, and put every feeling you have for me away."

after jack's words, i stand still and silent. he looks at me, waiting for my answer.

"give me time" i reply, "im not saying that i don't still love you, because i always will. but i cannot just leave derek."

"always love me, bullshit!" jack's voice increases and echoes. people passing by look at us like we're crazy, but i shrug it off.

yet my eyes widen at his sudden anger.

he looks at me like a mad man, "im the one who will always love you, because im willing to throw my life away for you!"

"jack, please listen to me" i calmly say, taking hold of his arm, "i will always love you. you were the first guy i ever truly loved. you're just a little too late for the rebound."

"don't tell me that derek is better than me, victoria. i can tell the way you look at him that—"

"hey baby. i couldn't find you, but your brother called" derek smiles, taking hold of my waist.

it obviously wasn't hard for derek to find me, as jack and i are outside of my home, which derek was inside. anyway, let me tell you, the tension is indescribable.

i smile up at him, "sorry, i thought you would've seen the note i left for you. actually, jack and i were just talking about you. he's making sure you're being an amazing boyfriend. right jack?"

jack looks at me while i smirk. i know i pissed him off. and to be honest, i don't care.

"yeah, totally" jack clenched his jaw.

i look up at derek, noticing that the two are exchanging looks. not very friendly ones, might i add.

"it's okay. i'll just call him back and say you'll call when you come inside" derek replies, kissing my forehead and going back into our home.

when derek's out of sight, i then back around to jack.

"listen victoria, i love you. and i always will. just know that i'll always be around and willing to throw my partner away for you whenever you snap back into reality, because i love you" jack states, and with that.. he walks away.

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