I Can't Make You Love Me (Chance)*

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Inspired by "I Can't Make You Love Me" originally by Bonnie Raitt. The attached video is my favourite cover/version of the song.

Y/N's POV:

My boyfriend Chance and I have been together for almost three years now. We started out as childhood best friends and as we got older we gradually began to gain feelings for each other. I began liking Chance when we were in tenth grade but he didn't realize his feeling for me until we were halfway through eleventh. The first time he asked me out was after rehearsals for show choir and the best part is that I didn't even know he was asking me out on a date! I thought he was just asking to grab a burger as friends since that was a regular thing for us to do after school. I didn't realize that it was a date until our fourth "date" when Chance asked me to be his girlfriend. To say I was shocked is an understatement because I just sat there and stared at Chance for a good five minutes before dumbly saying "what?" Since I still wasn't too sure if I had heard him correctly. Looking back at it now I find it hilarious but in that moment I was ready for the world to swallow me up. After we officially began dating (with both of us knowing it was happening) for a few months he asked me to homecoming by serenading me and pretty much making me cry in front of everyone in show choir. Chance was unbelievably sweet and he even bought me a flower for every year that we had known each other. From there we continued to date, went to proms, homecomings and graduation together.

Right now Chance is on a show called Boy Band which means I don't get to see him too often since he is always either at rehearsal, doing some kind of preparation for the show or he was bonding with the other boys. It's been hard not seeing him most days because before he was on the show we saw each other almost every single day. I'm glad he's able to pursue his dreams because he is so talented and deserves to be in the final boy band that the show creates but it's beginning to create a strain on our relationship. The last time I even spoke to Chance was almost half a week ago because our schedules have been so different. The only time I've been able to go see a live show was when they had their first group performance and that was pre-recorded a couple months before the show even aired! I'm not sure if Chance has been able to sense the strain like I have but it gets harder and harder everyday to ignore that pain in my heart and the doubt in my head. I know that it's not his fault because he does try his hardest to make me feel loved and like our relationship hasn't been changed at all with this show but it doesn't stop the feelings and the thoughts that I've been getting.

It's six days before the top eight perform their solo acts for the viewers to vote for who they want to be in their final band and I finally decided that it was time to listen to my heart. What makes this whole situation harder is that I've already promised Chance that I would go to the live show on Thursday because it's the day of our three year anniversary. I decided to go to the hotel that the boys are staying at and talk to Chance in person because I couldn't justify doing this any other way.

After getting dressed and calling a cab to the hotel I was finally standing outside of his hotel room giving myself a mental pep-talk. I quickly knock and a few moments later I see Chance open the door with a smile on his face. "Hey babe! I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever. How are you?" Chance spoke quickly while leading you into his hotel room. He walked over the connecting doors that lead to Devin's room before closing and locking the door. "I'm alright Chance. I actually came to talk to you about something. First off I want to say that I love you very much and that I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished so far on this show and in your daily life especially with raising Brooklyn. You're an amazing father and an even more amazing man. Throughout the past almost three years of our relationship you have been my rock, my best friend, my laughter, my shoulder to cry on and my joy. I couldn't have asked for someone better to make all the memories that we have made together with. I don't know how else to say this but ever since this show has started I've began to feel us drifting further apart and I've felt a strain on our relationship. I know that this is no ones fault but I really can't hold onto this pain any longer." I start off quickly then slow down once I get to the end of my small rant.

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