Friends to More- requested by Madisyn (Jhype)

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Sorry this took so long to get out to you! Honestly had no idea how busy this year of school was going to be. I hope you like it!

Y/N's POV:

I was walking around the mall with a few friends after school so that we could find some cute clothes for Christmas. It has been a tradition for us ever since we were 10 to get matching outfits and celebrate Christmas Eve together with our families. We had already been walking around the mall for over an hour and were yet to find something we all agreed on. All the walking around made us  thirsty so we decided to stop at Starbucks and grab some drinks.

The four of us ordered our drinks and were waiting along with a boy and who looked to be with his mom. My friends and I kept talking about what possible outfits we could put together when I heard my order get called out. As I went to grab my drink, I continued to talk to my friends which meant walking backwards to the counter a few feet away from me.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped as I felt a splash of cold liquid spill all down the back of my shirt and all over my hair. I quickly turned around and saw an incredibly tall boy standing with his mouth wide open in shock. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok? I'm so sorry," he exclaimed while grabbing a huge wad of napkins and handing them to me.

Looking closer at him, I realized he was the same boy who was waiting for his drink with his mom. "It's alright. I should've been looking where I was walking," I replied while blushing. I can't believe I just embarrassed myself in front of this really cute guy. Honestly why do I have such bad luck and incredible clumsiness.

"How about you give me your number and I can buy you a coffee or something tomorrow? To make up for the drink I just knocked out of your hand?" I suggested as I took off the drenched hoodie I was wearing.

"Sure. Give me your phone and I'll put it in," he said as he reached for my phone and started to add in his number.

After my friends and I got all our drinks, we all went back home so that I could get out of my wet and sticky clothes.

*Time Skip*

After the whole drink incident with Jay, we ended up getting coffee the next day and becoming close friends. We hung out as much as we could before he flew out to LA for a boy band competition show. I went out to visit him for a couple weeks and he ended up asking me out on a date while we were there.

We went on a double date with Chance and his daughter Brooklyn which was just adorable. She really seems to admire Jay as much as I do so it was really sweet to see them interacting with each other.

Our first stop for our date was dinner at a local diner for some burgers and fries. It was a cute little shop owned by a family and they make the best milkshakes I've ever had. I got one of their special shakes for the summer.

Afterwards we went to the park so Brooklyn could run off some energy. Jay and I split off from Chance and Brooklyn so we could get some alone time and walk around the park together. After walking around for a while, we sat down on one of the tire swings at the park to talk about what has been happening for each of us since he left for the show. It felt nice to catch up and spend some time alone with him. Every time we hung out since we met was with other people like our parents, friends or his fellow boy band contestants since I've gotten to LA.

It felt like we were out there forever just laughing and talking about everything and nothing at the same time before finally catching up to Chance and Brooklyn and heading back to the hotel.


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