Halloween (Drew)

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Y/n's POV

"That's silly Drew. No one is going to let us do it and we're probably going to get yelled at by some grumpy people." I said while wrapping my arms around his torso. "C'mon Y/n, who cares what they think plus it'll be fun for us to get to do this together and relive our childhood!" Drew said before he gave you a little pout.

Let me give you some context, Drew is my boyfriend and we've been best friends ever since he was 2 years old (he's older than me). Our parents met at church and became really good friends so we saw each other almost everyday and he would always want to come over to my house to play games with me even though I was a baby and couldn't do much. He is currently trying to convince me that we should go trick or treating this year around the Bronx since he's home for a bit before he flys back out to LA to work on more music with the rest of IRL. We don't have any plans for tomorrow night which is Halloween night so we are currently sitting in his kitchen trying to make plans.

"Babe we don't have any costumes though and it's so last minute...all the costumes left will be horrible and probably ridiculously priced too." I said while looking up at him. "At least come with me to the store so we can see if there's anything left that would look alright ok?" He sighed before kissing your forehead. I just nodded and began standing up to grab one of his sweaters from his room to throw on since it was pretty chilly out. After we grabbed everything we need, we were on our way out to search for costumes.

The two of us spent over two hours looking around at different costumes only to find a really bad clown costume, a crayon costume, a pair of cat ears, a really revealing pirate costume (which doesn't work in the cold weather here) and a few other knock off superhero costumes. "Drew, there's no hope. Let's just look up costumes ideas that we can make at home with clothes we already have." I said as we walked into the nearest Starbucks. He nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist as we ordered our drinks and found a couple empty seats. Once we got settled in we both pulled out our phones and started searching up good last minute costumes. "What about Lola Bunny and Bugs Bunny from Space Jam? We could find the pieces needed just at Walmart or something." I suggested while showing Drew the photo. "No, what about we go as Danny and Sandy from Grease?" He suggested. "Not feeling that. Oh how about we do full skeleton makeup and we just wear full black outfits with it? Then we can dress as warm as we need plus it will look really cool because my mom knows how to do that kind of makeup." I said excitedly while pulling up some photos to show him. He was silent for a while before he broke out into a huge smile. "Yes! That's what we're doing! Ok let's go buy the face paint so we can go home to look for the clothes." Drew exclaimed before grabbing my hand and pulling me out into the streets of New York again.

After we bought the face paint and brought it back to Drew's apartment he began his search for clothes to wear tonight. "What about that jacket babe?" I asked while pulling out one of the jackets he wore all the time. "No I don't think it will look badass enough." He said while shaking his head. "How about this?" He said while pulling out a leather jacket that comes with a hood. "Then I'll just throw on these black jeans, this black t-shirt and black boots." Drew stated with a smile on his face. I smile back before nodding and looking at the time on my phone. "Alright so it's currently 6 right now so why don't we grab some dinner and go to my house so that I can get my outfit together and then my mom can do our makeup for us." I suggested while grabbing his hand. He nodded before picking up everything that he would need for the rest of the night and pulling me towards the door.

After grabbing a pizza, we made our way back to my house and after eating all our food I started to look for an outfit. "Here Y/n, wear this and maybe just grab your leather jacket so you don't freeze." Drew said as he was looking through my closet with me. I looked at his choice before nodding and grabbing the clothes from him. Realizing that it was finally dark out, we began to change and when my mom finally got home at 8, we had her do our makeup and finally we were ready for some trick or treating.

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