Last Summer (Brady- requested)

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This time last year I was nervously sitting next to my brother Drew on a plane flying out to LA to spend my summer with him and the rest of In Real Life. It was the first time I would be spending any extended time with them which honestly made me really nervous. All I could think about was the chances of them not liking me and having that lead to problems between Drew and the rest of the guys but luckily that wasn't the case.

In the two months I spent living and traveling with them I ended up getting really close to them. They were all like brothers to me except for Brady. We're around the same age and ended up getting along really well. I would even say we became best friends during that time but our friendship led to more and I guess you could say we had a summer fling. I honestly had no intention on starting anything with anyone while I was there but things just kind of happened between the two of us.

We practically spent the entire time hanging out, sneaking off to the beach for dates and just doing everything teens do in relationships. The best thing from the whole experience was honestly our first date. It was the least expected thing but it was the start of our relationship and changed the way my summer played out.

It was late and everyone had already gone to bed but I was still wide awake so I decided to make myself a cup of tea and sit on the couch in the backyard. I plugged in my phone to the speaker and started playing my chill playlist. As I watched the cars driving along the roads below, I heard the back door open and out walked Brady. 

"Hey Brady. What are you found up? I thought everyone was sleeping already."

"I was but I woke up and wanted pizza so I ordered food. Should be here soon. You mind if I join you?" he asked while gesturing to the spot next to you on the couch.

"Of course! You gotta share your pizza with me though." 

He laughed and nodded before his phone went off telling him the food was here. Brady walked back into the house before coming back out with a box of pizza, breadsticks and a stack of napkins. He sat the food and napkins down on the table infant of us before opening the box and digging in.

"This is really nice you know? I get why people wanna come out here and stay up late all the time. Do you miss home though? Wisconsin is so different from LA right?"

"It's a big change but I like both places for different reasons. Home is for relaxing and just enjoying nature but out here there's always so much to do and see which is cool."

"Ya I feel that. Is it weird to know you have fans all over who put you up on a sort of pedestal? I know I could never deal with that. Having girls always wanting you hit you up for the fame and stuff. You can never really tell if people wanna know you for who you truly are or if they just want the perks of knowing the Brady Tutton right?"

"It been kind of hard to adjust to but I think at the end of the day, when the right person comes around I'll know. Being out here has kind of helped me figure out if people are genuine in their intentions or not. Like you are one of the most real people I've ever met and its great that you're here with us this summer."

"I'm glad I'm here too and that I've gotten to know you and the rest of the guys better. You're really special to me Brady."

"I feel the same way too Y/n. I think I kind of like you. What do you say? Can we call this our first date?" 

"Ya Brady, I think we can."

That was the start of our summer romance. We ended up telling the rest of the boys a week later and they were all supportive especially Drew which was kind of surprising to me. It was nice that we could freely hang out without anyone being against it but before we knew it, the summer was over and I had to fly back to New York to start up the new school year again. That was last summer and this summer I am heading out to spend the summer with them once again.

I was even more nervous this time because I didn't know how things would go with Brady because I wasn't sure where we stood. When last summer ended, it kind of just fizzled out and there were no hard feelings but we hadn't really spent much time together especially not alone since things ended. I held no negativity towards him and I know he feels the same way but it doesn't change the nerves I felt.

I finally pulled up to the house and was met with Chance and Conor running around with Brooklyn while Drew was playing video games in the living room. I don't see Sergio anywhere yet which means he's probably in his room playing guitar or watching Spongebob like usual. I make my way up to the spare room that they let me stay in and dropped off my bags before making my way over to Sergio's room.

I knocked on the door and waited for him to let me in. After greeting each other we walked into his room and I was right about him watching Spongebob. I joined him on his bed as we watched the show together and made dumb jokes. It was nice being back with the boys because it was like having my other brothers and best friends around all the time. While we were watching the show together his door bursts open and in walks Brady with a girl trailing behind him holding his hand. To say I was shocked was an understatement because I hadn't seen or heard anything about him having a new girl in his life. I had never even seen her before.

"Oh, hey Brady. It's nice to see you again. Who is this?" I asked once I finally snapped out of my slight shock and confusion.

"Oh...hey Y/n. I didn't know you were arriving today. This is my girlfriend Bridgette. Bridgette, this is Y/n. She is Drew's younger sister and our friend." he said while awkwardly shifting his feet around.

I just smiled at her and she smiled back before they slowly made their way out of the room again.

"Well that was awkward. Didn't know he was seeing someone." I said as Sergio and I turned back to the tv.

"It's kind of new but ya how are you feeling? I know you guys ended your fling or whatever it was last summer on good terms but do you still have feelings for him?"

"I mean I think so but he was also my first relationship so I think that will always stick with me. It's just going to take some getting used to when it comes to seeing him with other girls. Nothing too bad though. Let's just go back to what we were doing before." 


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