Surprise Baby requested by Nairi (Conor)

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Y/N's POV:

I don't think I've ever been this worried before but then again I've never been in this situation before this very moment. What am I going to do? How do I bring this up to them? How was I so reckless? I've been getting sick for the past couple weeks and I honestly had no clue why...well that was until earlier today. It has been about a month and a half since I've had my period and I started to get worried. I didn't know what to think so I called my best friend Kaitlyn up and asked her to come over to my house so we could try and figure out what was wrong. 'Hey, whats up? You sounded really worried on the phone earlier." she said as she sat down beside me on the floor. "Well, I haven't had my period for about a month and a half now and for the past couple weeks I've been feeling really sick and have been throwing up a lot. I'm not sure if its food poisoning or what the issue is." I said with a frown.

"When was the last time you and know..." asked Kaitlyn with a look of embarrassment. "What? Kaitlyn can we not talk about what I do with your brother? I thought we had agreed that we wouldn't discuss this stuff." I said with a frown. "What I mean to ask is if it could be possible that you're pregnant. Conor left to fly back out to LA about a month and a half ago so I was just thinking that maybe that's why you've been feeling sick. I remember when Mom was pregnant with Brendan, she got sick all the time and found out that she had been pregnant for about a month at that time." she said while putting her arm around me. "What? No that can't be. We're always careful when it comes to this stuff." I said. "I think we should go to the store and get some tests just in case. At the very least it will eliminate some possible reasons for why you're feeling this way." she said while standing up and putting her hand out for me.

That brings us back to my current moment of panic and worry. "Kaitlyn, what am I going to do? We're both so young. He's eighteen and I'm seventeen. What will our parents think? What will Conor think?" I said as some tears ran down my face. "Y/n, it will be alright. Conor loves you and I'm sure both of our families will be supportive of the two of you and whatever choice you make. Do you want to go to the airport? I think the boys plane gets here in an hour. That way you can tell him in person. I'll find a way to get everyone away from you two." she said as she grabbed my hand and we walked down the street to her house where her family was rushing around and making sure they were ready to leave. "Hello honey, are you alright? You look a bit sick." Dena greeted as she put the back of her hand against my forehead to check my temperature. "I'm alright Dena. I've just been a bit under the weather." I half lied with a small smile on my face. "Y/n!" yelled Patrick, Brendan and Erica as they all ran down the stairs towards where I stood in the main entrance of their home. "Hi guys. How is everyone?" I said with a smile. I love coming over to see his family because they always make me feel so loved and welcome. "We're great!" said Erica. "Conor comes home soon! Are you coming with us to pick him up?" asks Patrick as he continued to hug me. I nodded while hugging him back and thinking of how I would tell Conor.

At the airport:

Finally we saw him walking through the gates with the rest of the boys as well as Coleen, Ryan and Josefina. Immediately Patrick and Brendan ran towards Conor to give him hugs and catch him up on their lives while Kaitlyn and Erica stayed with their mom and dad and greeted the other boys and their family members. After everyone greeted each other, I finally got the chance to hug Conor. "Hey guys, lets all go to the Starbucks so that these two lovebirds can have a moment to themselves." said Kaitlyn as she threw her arms around her brothers shoulders and led them away.

"Hey babe." said Conor as he looked down at me and gave me a gentle kiss. "Hi." I said with a grin as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "How have you been? It feels like we have been apart for way longer than a month and a half." said Conor. "I know...I kind of have a surprise for you...maybe we should go sit down first so you can put your luggage down." I said while pulling away from him. We walked towards some empty benches and sat down beside each other as Conor grabbed my hand in his own. "Well, I'm not too sure how to tell you this so I guess I'll just show you. Please don't be mad or grossed out at all." I pulled out the pregnancy tests, that were wrapped up in a plastic bag and placed in my purse, before handing them to Conor so he could see them. "'re pregnant? I'm going to be a dad? You're going to be a mom? Oh my gosh we have to go tell my family! Have you told anyone yet? We should ask Chance and Emma for advice. I'm sure they'd know what to say and do!" said Conor as he shot up out of his seat and waved his arms around.

I laughed at his excited and over the top reaction before breathing a sigh of relief. He wasn't mad and he honestly seemed really excited for our baby. The only downside was that the band was currently doing a radio tour and they also will be spending most of the next few months in L.A. too. At least I'll have both of our families to help me out and I can always message Conor too. "Conor, you don't know how happy your reaction makes me. The only other person that knows is Kaitlyn. We should probably tell our families right away." I said while standing up with him. "That's perfect. We can tell them all during dinner tonight. Now lets go over to Starbucks." he said before putting his hand on my stomach and taking a picture. "I'm going to post that later on in the pregnancy." said Michael before picking up his luggage again as well as grabbing my hand.

We were finally seated at the dinner table with both of our families and the rest of the band too. We all had already ordered and were moving on to dessert. "I would like to make an announcement. Keep in mind that we are in public and yelling is frowned upon." said Conor as everyone quieted down. "I don't really know how to begin this but Y/n and I are kind of expecting our first child? We are both really excited and we know that all of you will be really supportive and loving to our unborn child. Anyways, Y/n is about a month and a half pregnant so we obviously don't know what the baby is yet but we thought we'd let you all know anyways." Conor said before looking towards me and giving me one of his rare but very genuine smiles. "That is amazing honey. Congratulations. We know you two are young and very busy but we know you two will make it all work out. Congratulations once again Y/n and Conor." said my mom as my dad nodded along beside her.


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