Period (Drew)

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Y/N's POV:

It was just another day on the road with my boyfriend Drew Ramos of In Real Life.  We are currently in LA staying at a house with all the other boys. "Babe come cuddle with me." I said while giving Drew a little pout. I'm currently on my period so I am feeling pretty clingy right now and that always means that I want to snuggle up and get comfortable. My favourite thing to do though, is to cuddle with Drew when I'm on my period because he always knows how to make me feel better. I see Drew slowly make his way over to me while typing on his phone as I am sitting on the couch with my favourite blanket and my knees up to my chest. "Are you alright babe?" Drew asked while putting his phone back in his pocket and sitting down beside me.  "Its just my time of the month again and the cramps are really bad this time. Can we lay down for a cuddle and movie session?" I ask softly while leaning my head on his shoulder. "Babe, you know I'm always down to relax with you no matter when or what the reason is." he spoke while getting under the blanket with me and reaching for the remote to turn on the TV.

Drew turned on the TV and switched it to Netflix before starting the movie The Vow because he knows that I love that movie. I always used to make him watch it when we had movie nights and when I was on my period because its sad but it's also filled with so much love and I guess that's how Drew always makes me feel. He is constantly there for me and he makes me feel loved like I've never felt before. He brings butterflies to my stomach every time he smiles at me or says my name. It's really cheesy to say that about him but its really true. He makes me happy and thankful that I am lucky enough to have him in my life. "Babe? Are you alright? You didn't comment on how sad this part is and you do that every time we watch this movie." asked Drew as he looked down at me with a slight frown. "Hmm? Oh ya sorry baby I was lost in thought for a moment there." I said with small blush. I've never actually expressed those thoughts to Drew before so its kind of embarrassing that he caught me while I was lost in my own thoughts about him. "What were you thinking about?" he asked while pausing the movie. "Nothing really. Just thinking about how lucky I am." I replied. "How? Aren't cramps a bad thing?" he asked with a clearly confused look on his face. "I just mean how lucky I am to have you in my life and more specifically as my boyfriend. You are always here to comfort me no matter what the issue is and you never complain about how clingy I get when I'm on my period. You love me unconditionally and I guess I'm just trying to say thank you for making me feel like a queen every single day since we've known each other. You are more than I could have ever dreamed of for a Prince Charming when I was a little girl living in the Bronx with my family and dealing with mean little girls who bullied me." I said before noticing a tear drop running down his face.

I quickly reach over to wipe the tear away before pulling him into a hug. "Y/n you don't know how much you mean to me. I'd gladly go through every struggle we've been through just to have you be my girl. You make me unbelievably happy and I'd do anything to make you smile. Thank you for dealing with me even when I get so distracted by video games that I accidentally end up ignoring you or when I get cranky because I'm hungry. Thank you for loving my mom as much I love her and thank you for being beautiful both inside and out." said Drew before kissing my forehead. Needless to say the two of us spent the rest of the day together watching movies and whispering little nothings in each others ear.


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