Concert Surprise- requested by Stephanie (Drew)

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Y/N's POV:

Today I'm flying out to New York to see my best friends and boyfriend Drew. We live in different states and due to him being in a band and me still being in school it's been hard to actually spend time with each other in person. We talk every day whether it's through text, FaceTime, phone calls or however else we can get ahold of each other. Honestly, it's been so hard to be away from him for so long. We had originally met while he was on Boy Band and ended up staying at the same hotel. From then we kind of became best friends and soon after started dating. At first, it was fine because we were both in LA but sadly the summer ended and I had to go back home to start the school year again while he started to tour and do shows all over the world.

Any time they came near me I would make sure to take advantage of that time and see their concert as well as spending downtime with them but it's been over 3 months now since I've last seen him in person and it's been really draining for both of us. I can see the light in his eyes diminishing as time has gone on so I decided to visit him while he was back home in New York for a few days with his family and the other boys. I already arranged everything with John so he would be picking me up from the airport and driving me to the venue where they will be performing later on tonight.

I was nervous because it's been so long since I was last in his arms but I can already picture the shock and excitement on Drews' face when I walk out on stage halfway through their concert. The plan is for me to get picked up by John an hour before the concert is set to start so the boys will be preoccupied with getting ready to perform so they won't notice Johns absence. Then he will drive us back to the venue where I will hide in the dressing room until it's time for me to make my entrance.

As the time ticks closer to the surprise I get more and more excited and antsy. I just can't wait to see his beautiful smile in person again. They are currently talking to the crowd about how far they have come and how much they appreciate all the support they have received since day one of Boy Band. Just as they are about to announce their next song all the lights and mics go off confusing the boys. That was my cue to walk onto the stage and greet Drew.

With his back turned towards me I signal for the fans to keep quiet as they shine their flashlights at the stage and the boys try to yell out apologies for the power going out. I slowly wrap my arms around Drews' waist as I hug him from behind. "Did you miss me?" I say as hug him tighter. "Wait what? Who the–Y/n? What? How did you–holy–come here!" he yells with excitement as he pulls me around to his front so he can hug me back. I just laugh a little as the lights and all the power comes back on stage. I smile as I feel a wetness on my shoulder. I pull away slightly to see the tears coming out of his eyes as he pulls me back into his arms. "I missed you so much, baby. You don't even know how much I love you right now," he whispered in my ear as the rest of the boys take photos and videos of us with the rest of the crowd.

After another minute of us just standing in the embrace of one another, we finally separate so the boys can finish the rest of their show. Drew made me come back on stage for his solo cover though because in his words he needed to make sure it was real and that I was still there with him. Safe to say the surprise was a success and we got to spend a few days together after being separated for so long.


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