Meeting the Family- requested by Izabella (Conor)

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Y/n's POV:

I was excited and nervous all at once because today was thanksgiving which meant that I was finally meeting his family. Well besides Patrick because he loved to go everywhere that Conor went so sometimes he would join us to go watch a movie or play games at an arcade. My family said it was fine that I miss thanksgiving as long as Conor came over for Christmas and brought his family with him as well. I am currently on my way to the Smith household with a basket full of cookies that I know Conor and Patrick love to eat so hopefully the rest of the family does too. I walked to their house because they only live about ten minutes away from my house so it was a nice ten minutes of casual exercise. After getting distracted by a dog who was being walked on a leash by their owner, I finally arrived at their home and knocked on the door.

"Hey Y/n, come in so you can meet the rest of my family. Patrick has been talking about you non-stop since he found out you were coming over tonight. I swear he may talk about you more than I usually do." Conor says after he opens the door and begins to lead me into their home, "Oh, I almost forgot! I made some cookies for everyone." I said while lifting the basket into sight. "Wait, are those the same cookies you always make for me and Patrick?" Conor said with excitement as he grabbed the basket and placed it on the kitchen counter. I nodded with a smile before I heard footsteps coming from the right side of the kitchen. "And that would be my family. Most likely my mom making by siblings and dad come down to help her finish making dinner." Conor said while wrapping his arms around me and bringing me into a hug. I just laugh while hugging him back as he leans back against the counter. "Mom, that's Y/n. She's Conor's girlfriend remember? She makes us cookies all the time and she even lets me go with them to the arcade and movies." said Patrick as he walked into the room followed by another young boy, two teenage girls and two adults who I'm assuming are his parents. "Hi Y/n!" said Patrick while giving me a wave. "Hey Patty." I said while pulling back from the hug with Conor.

"Hello honey. As I've been told by these two boys, you must be Y/n. It's nice to finally meet the girl who has been making two of my sons so happy." Dena greeted with a smile and a warm hug. "Nice to meet you too Mrs. Smith." I said with a smile. "Oh please just call me Dena. No need for all the formalities." she said as she walked towards the fridge and started to grab some ingredients out before placing them on the counter. After greeting all the other family members, we joined Dena in finishing up cooking dinner and setting the table. We sat around the table and had dinner while we talked and joked around. After we ate the main meal, we walked towards their living room to watching a movie as we ate the cookies I made with some cups of milk and hot chocolate. After we finished a couple movies, I got a text from my parents telling me it was time to leave so I said my goodbyes to his family before Conor walked with me back to my house.


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