Reunited- requested by Ariel (Chance)

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Y/N's POV:

10 years ago:

I can't believe I am being forced to move away. I am leaving my best friend Chance and his family behind and it couldn't be harder for me. We have been through so much together and now I'm leaving to go across the country. I don't even know how long I'll be gone or when I'll get to see him again but my parents said there's no choice because we are moving due to their jobs.

Chance and I have known each other since we were in diapers because we are neighbours and our moms quickly became friends when they realized that they were both pregnant. It's been over 9 years of friendship and now that might be all thrown away because of a stupid job offer.

We already said our goodbyes earlier this morning and now I'm sitting on a plane getting ready to fly across the country. It was so hard for not only us but our families as well and to put it simply, we all shed lots of tears together. The one thing that will always stick with me was the last thing Chance said to me before we left. "I'll never forget you and I know we'll get to see each other again. You'll always be my best friend Y/n."

Present day:

I'm currently walking around backstage for a new ABC show called Boy Band. It's a reality singing competition and my uncle Timbaland is one of the judges/mentors for the show. Now that I'm older, I've moved back to Cali so that I can enjoy the sun and the beach. The boys are doing an opening performance of Uptown Girl and this is the first time I'm going to actually see the show. My uncle asked me to be a part of their performance since I'm around the age of the contestants and he thought it would make the most sense so I said why not and now I'm just waiting to go on stage. I've practiced my part so many times but my schedule never lined up with the boys so I haven't actually practiced with them until this moment right now where we will be having our last dress rehearsal.

As I was waiting backstage I heard a crowd of footsteps along with a bunch of voices singing and yelling. I turn around and see who I assume are the contestants considering they all look to be around my age and can definitely sing. When I see the boys gather in the room there was one boy who caught my eye. He looks kind of familiar but I can't really put my finger on where I know him from. I shake my head and go back to scrolling on my phone when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see my uncle standing there with a big smile on his face.

"Hey Y/n. Come on and let me introduce you to the boys before you all get called on stage for the dress rehearsal."

I nod and stand up before smoothing out my floral dress (like the one Rita wears in the video) for the performance. As we walk up to the boys, they all stop what they're doing and stand up to greet us. My uncle starts to introduce me to each of the boys before finishing off with the boy who initially caught my eye.

"Hi, I'm Y/n Y/l/n, but I'm sure you picked that up already from my uncles introduction." I said before giving him a small smile.

"Hey, I'm Chance Perez. Where are you from? I used to have friend with that name. Small world really."

"I'm originally from Seal Beach, California but moved across the country when I was about 9. I recently moved back to Cali though. Is your moms name Shawnee by any chance? With two sisters as well?"

"Ya! Aspen & Presley! Omg Y/n, it's been so long!" He practically yelled while pulling you into a hug. "I can't believe it. I told you we would see each other again. Come on I need to introduce you properly to all the boys."

With that he whisked you over to a group of boys who had walked away after you were first introduced. It was pretty easy to say that you were both overjoyed and excited to be reunited again. You spent the rest of the day catching up before you had to go do the rehearsal and performance.

---- Time Skip ----

Nick, Emma & my uncle Timbaland introduce the top 14 boys and me before they started off their performance. I waited backstage for my cue before finally hearing Jhype sing his line as I walk on stage and start to interact with the boys. As the performance goes on I notice Chance keeps looking at me so I send him a few smiles while keeping up my role. When we get towards the end of the performance I notice that Chance doesn't go to the spot he had been told to during rehearsal but instead he was right beside me.

Right at the end of the performance he grabs my hand and spins me towards him before leaning in and giving me a kiss in front of everyone. Most of the boys were visibly shocked but also hyping him up while a couple of the boys were cheering about how their plan worked. I'm sure those two are the ones who helped him plan the whole switch. When we broke away from the kiss he gave me a big smile before pulling me into a hug and saying "By the way, I love your dress. It reminds me of the one you wore on your 9th birthday when I first told you I loved you. Do you remember that? You thought I meant it as a friend but I've actually always had a crush on you and now that I have you back in my life I'm not letting you go so easily this time."

After that we left the stage and the boys quickly rushed around to get changed for their next performances but before Chance left he quickly pulled me aside and held my hand before asking if I would be his girlfriend which I of course said yes to. I gave him a quick peck on the lips before pushing him towards wardrobe so he wasn't late.


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