Ease- requested by Natalie (Jhype)*

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This is based off of/inspired by the song Ease by Troye Sivan. Bold & italics are lyrics from the song

Y/N's POV:

I just recently started touring with some of my friends from youtube and every day or so we've been in a new place meeting our fans. Don't get me wrong, I love how far we have come from just being those 13 year-old kids who got scolded in school for constantly making jokes and goofing off. I love the support from all of our fans but all of this constant moving around and constantly being surrounded by these strangers and new faces is taking a toll on me. I miss how things were before this all happened. I miss seeing my mom everyday and I miss seeing my boyfriend Jay too. Our houses were next to each other so we kind of have that fairy tail romance where the childhood best friends end up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. I can see that I've been acting different lately but there really is nothing I can do to change it. I just feel so sad and not myself anymore. We have been on tour for about four months now and I feel like I haven't seen any of my loved ones in a lifetime. We have a day off today and while the rest of my friends are out exploring the city in wherever we are (I don't even know where we are during any of our meet and greets anymore) I'm sitting in our tour bus playing on my phone.

@yourtwitter: The truth is, the stars are falling, babe and I'd never ever thought that I would say I'm afraid of the life that I've made

Text messages: You, Jay

J: What's wrong?

Y/n: Nothing's wrong Jay, I guess I've just been feeling a little off this past month. I miss home you know? I miss you and my mom and our friends back in Vegas. I really want to come home but I can't disappoint our fans.

J: Why haven't you told me about feeling like this? I know its hard to be away for so long but you know we are all here supporting you. We'll see each other really soon baby. Keep your head up alright?

Y/n: You're right Jay, thank you for always being here for me. I really appreciate it and I love you.

J: I love babe. You're beautiful, smart, talented, loving and just amazing alright? Keep being strong and don't hesitate to text or call me whenever. I don't care if it's four in the morning here or six in the afternoon. If you need me, I'll be here.

Y/n: Thank you so much Jay. I really wouldn't be able to continue on without you. I love you baby.

J: I love you too. I have to go now but remember that we'll see each other again really soon ok?

Texts messages over

I look up after locking my phone as I hear the door to our tour bus open. I think its one of the girls at first but I immediately jump up from the couch when I see who was really at the door. "Omg Jay! How did you get here? I can't believe you're really here right now." I said with tears running down my face. "I told you we would see each other again really soon." Jay said while wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight. I missed this. I really missed being in his arms and being surrounded by the comfort of his cologne. "Lets go lay down on your bunk for a bit alright? Have you been getting enough sleep? You look really tired Y/n" Jay said as he pulled me towards my bunk. "Wow thanks Jay. I thought I looked alright today." I said with a small pout. "You look gorgeous like always I just mean you look sad, exhausted and over worked. Lets go lay down and have a nap alright?" he said. I just nodded and pulled him down beside me on the bed.

"Tell me all of the things that make you feel at ease." Jay said while wrapping me up in his arms. "Honestly, you make me feel at ease. All of this driving has been driving me crazy and the constant moving has been getting the best of me. Every time we meet the fans, I think its all getting better but thats not the case. I've just really missed you and even when we spoke on the phone, I felt alone. You were with me but you were never physically here. I guess I've tried to hide it and be strong for everyone but sometimes I wish we were back in Vegas running around together. Back before I had everyone watching my every move and blowing up my phone with notifications you know? I guess in a way, you keep me sane. You're my anchor and you can always bring me back to those simpler times just by being present." I finish with a small smile before yawning. "I love you Jay." "I love you too Y/n" With that last declaration, I finally fell into a peaceful sleep in the first time since I've been on tour.


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