Instagram Interactions (Drew)

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I was sitting in my living room just watching some late night television when I decided to post a photo on my Instagram fan account for the guys of Boy Band. It was a photo with the last names of the boys from the top 9 and it tells your followers to comment who's last name your first name sounds best with. Pretty simple but interactive so I thought it would be a fun thing to post. I tagged all the boys on the photo because that's what I usually do when I post photos that have anything to do with them. After posting the photo I got a few comments from people saying "Y/N Pendleton", "Y/N Gray/Tutton" and a few likes on the post too. After checking those notifications and replying to the comments I decided to put my phone away and continue watching my show. Not too long after, I see my phone light up again so I pick it up and see that I had some more notifications. I open up Instagram and see that one of the notifications is from drewramosofficial who is my favourite out of all the boys! At first I wasn't sure if it was the real Drew or not because there are so many fake accounts that only have one letter out of place/missing but when I realized it was the real Drew I freaked out. He had commented on my post saying "Y/N Ramos" and that made me smile like crazy! I was smiling like a fool and about ready to burst into happy tears because the boy of my dreams just said that I sound good with his last name! Like how crazy is that? Anyways I quickly liked and replied to his comment telling him how he had made my night and in return he liked my comment.

After that I quickly texted my friend to let her know about this because I was seriously in shock! We both were freaking out over how adorable he was being and how crazy it was that he actually commented on my post. Not too long after I get a DM so I open the app to see who it was from (I assumed it would be from one of the many group chats I have) only to see that it was from none other than Drew.

Drew: "Thanks for supporting me since the beginning of the show! I've come across some of your posts before and they're pretty cool. I especially love that video edit you made for me."

Y/N: "It's no problem. You're seriously so talented so I'd have to be dumb not to support you. Thank you so much! I was really hoping you would like the edit I made for you. I wasn't even sure if you would see it to be honest since you get so many notifications. Also thank you for commenting on my post haha it really did make my night"

Drew: "You're welcome. I saw it in my tagged photos and I thought it was kind of funny so I decided to comment on there. Anyways I should go to bed now because I have to be up early again tomorrow morning to continue the filming for our Eyes Closed music video. Goodnight!"

Y/N: "Goodnight Drew! Best wishes for your day on set tomorrow!"


Boy Band ABC Imagines (complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon