Confused Love Triangle- requested by Daniela (Brady & Jhype)

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Brady's POV:

My best friend Y/n flew out with Ryan and Casey to support me while we were on tour. We are currently in Vegas which means we are going to get together with Jay and his family today since it's our day off. Y/n and I met a long time ago when we were both auditioning for the lead roles on a Disney show. It's safe to say that neither of us made it onto the show and she decided to pursue gymnastics instead while I started focusing more on my music career.

We talk all the time and she joins us on tour whenever her parents let her but we're always accompanied by at least one of my siblings or my mom so they know she'll be alright. I'm excited to spend the day with her catching up but I'm also nervous because over the past few months while we were separated, I've started to notice how her simple words or actions have had such a great effect on me. Just being able to FaceTime her will brighten my day or even a simple good morning or goodnight text will make me smile. I've never really felt this before, especially when it comes to Y/n so I don't know what to do about it. Maybe I'll talk to one of the other boys about this since they're all older than I am.

"Y/n, are you ready to go to the waterpark yet?" I yelled from my room into hers. We have connecting hotel rooms. My mom is sharing a room with Y/n and I'm sharing a room with Ryan. "Almost. Just putting my hair into a braid and then I should be good to go. Is everyone else done?" I hear her shout back. "Yes. They are all downstairs in the lobby waiting for the van to get here so don't take too long." I said back before grabbing my bag and walking into her room. As I sat down on her bed, I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Chance.

Text Messages: Brady, Chance

B: We should be down in the next 5 minutes.

C: Sounds good.

B: I need to talk to you about something when I get down to the lobby.

C: Is everything alright? What do you need to talk to me about that you can't tell me on here?

B: Everything is fine but I just need help figuring some things out right now. I think it would be easier to explain it in person than through this.

C: Ok well I'm always here for you so don't worry.

Text Messages Over

Jay's POV:

"Mom, Molly we need to hurry up the van is almost here with the boys and their families! Chance is even bringing Brooklyn and Y/N is visiting with them too right now." I shouted throughout the house as I threw the rest of my things into my backpack. Besides being excited to see Conor and the rest of the boys, I'm also excited to see Y/n today. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since I met her during Boy Band when Brady invited her.

She came to the first live show and a few others after that. We ended up talking a lot while she was there because Brady, Y/n & I are all around the same age so we got along really well.

I feel bad for liking her in a way since she is Brady's best friend but I can't help how I feel. My family thinks I like her but I haven't told them about my true feelings yet because they would just make things really weird while we are at the water park today.

Finally they got downstairs and we walked out of our house to see the van with everyone waiting for us. I got in and sat in the back of the bus beside Y/n who was sitting beside Brady. "Hey, Y/n. It's great to see you again, I can't believe its been so long since we got to hangout." I said while wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her into my side. "Me too Jay! Today is going to be so much fun with all of you boys." she said while leaning into me.

Y/N's POV:

We arrived to the waterpark after an eventful drive and set all of our bags and stuff down on a group of chairs before we split off in our different directions to go on the water slides and such. "Chance can we take Brooklyn with us to the sprinkler park over there?" I asked while applying sunscreen on myself. "Go for it. I trust you guys and its within sight so as long as Brooklyn is fine with it than you can head over there." he said as he finished putting sunscreen on both Brooklyn and himself. "Brooklyn, do you want to go play in the water with us?" I ask as I grab her hand point to Brady and Jay. She nods before pulling me towards the sprinkler park made for young children. As the four of us walked towards that area we started talking and catching up with each other since we haven't seen Jay for a few months now. Once we got to the park I let go of Brooklyn's hand so that she could go play in the water in front of us while the three of us sat down together talking and watching her. Lately I've been starting to have feelings that are more than the kind of feelings you would normally have for a friend for both Brady and Jay. I don't want to do anything about it though because I don't know how they feel and I wouldn't want to ruin the friendships between the three of us.

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