The Ballerina Boy

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It was rather dark, cold and wet as a boy could be seen in the forrest. It wasn't your typical boy, he was a dancer, one of the best. Each of his moves as graceful as a the ones the deers would make as they kept him company that one late night. The boy had been coming to the forrest often, thinking about life.

Although what he couldn't help but do each time was dance. He would spend the entire night out there, alone with his thoughts. Something others couldn't help but find somewhat dangerous.

He didn't go by a name, nor anything else, so as the music played, he was just another lonely soul in the darkness, his heart crying to the moon as the exact light from said moon lit up his beautiful face. His lovely features, the way his lashes fell when he closed his eyes, the way his hair would fall in front of his eyes. His outfit was smooth, tight fitting and showing off each curve a man usually didn't have on their bodies.

He was lonely, he was the boy who had never learned to love. He was barely breathing and yet loud gasps could be heard after each fearful jump he made. Sometimes the cold, wet ground with give out for his graceful feet and the boy would for a brief moment fall to the ground.

A grunt would be heard and for a few seconds, perhaps even minutes, he would be one with the earth. He came from earth, from dirt and once again, over and over they would become one. Almost as if the boy was returning to his roots. Although, he had no roots to return to. No one was there and he was alone, his aching heart slowing down each of his steps, each of his moves.

It was almost as if he was the ghost of someone. Someone successful, someone ambitious, someone happy.

And as if he was a ghost, perhaps more of a lost soul, he would take on the persona of whoever around him. He was no happy boy, he was not ambitious and to many, including himself, he was not beautiful. He was not graceful. But that was a lie. The boy could dance and everyone who told him differently, would be proven wrong.

The boy dreamt of happy places, of recognition and a big stage, only for him. He wished for the love of the people, the love of his people. But who was his people? He did not know and nor did the people.

For he was alone, empty in the deep dark forrest.

Usually when people went into the forrest, they did not want to be found, not discovered, not remembered. But that was all the boy wanted, all he ever dreamed for. He did not remember the last time he was around someone. Another human or someone alike. For he did not understand, he was different.

Was he truly human? Could any human ever run over the sappy fields in the summer rain, as if being a wild deer. He was a deer. Not that kind of deer, no large doll eyes and only two legs.

Two graceful legs.

Two graceful legs that held the world of the people. But what people. The boy was confused, for he did not understand the world. And the world did not understand him. Nor did the people!

But.. What people? Was it his people, he did not understand?

If he went to sleep, would it all go away? He shook his head, of course it would not.

The boy could also sing. His voice was deep and somewhat husky, as he was a person who hadn't had a voice before. He was a minority. For he was only a lonesome boy in a dark forrest, somewhere in the world, where the people did not know, did not care.

His voice was beautiful. His voice is beautiful.

And it is only a shame that he had not spoken words before. But he did not know how to. How could a boy with no voice ever sing? He could, because he was graceful. He was entertaining for the people and he was granted a voice. Although only to sing their tune. It was not his, he could not change it, he could not lower the tones to make them fit the beautiful, the lovely voice he had been granted.

And that caused it to break. His voice broke. He was no longer the perfect, dancing and singing ballerina the people thought he were. In reality he never were. But how could they know? Do the people know anything?

He did not know.

But the boy knew that once he had heard his voice, tasted with numbness from the stinging air on his tongue, he could not keep his mouth shut, not like that. Because he knew that there was other ballerina boys hurting and they had no voice. They were all ambitious, mute birds in cages of gold.

They were all lonesome, yet surrounded by people. They were all loved. And because they were loved, they could not be lonesome, they could not be hurting. Their people told them not to.

Instead, the boy would sing them a lullaby. A lullaby each night, about how it was alright to be lonesome, to be hurting. And even though the boy did not believe each of his own words, he continued, because the rest couldn't.

The boy danced, each night each day. His legs were hurting, his body was aching and he had danced on broken feet more than once. Because he was the boy ballerina. And men do not cry, men do not complain. He didn't, yet a tear slipped. Because he was just a boy, a boy with a heart.

A beautiful ballerina boys, with aching legs and aching heart. A graceful deer, with only two legs. A mockingbird in human form, yet missing his voice. And he would dance, for only himself. He would slip on the cold ground and he would get up, for he was ambitious. He knew what he wanted, he wanted to dance. He wanted to dance for himself but to the people.

For he was just a boy, with a heart. With a hope to be loved. 

So there is 1054 words here and if i have to be honest i don't know what this is. I want you to imagine a country. And then imagine him standing in an empty forrest, dancing to their hearts desire, until they are too broken to even walk.

I want to know who you thought of, so please let me know. 

Anyways, i don't have much to say about this, but i hope to get to hear what people think about this. It's kinda angsty and not a lot like what i usually write. Especially when you think about the fact that this is a Male Reader insert and in this case there was no insert. Anyways, i hope you like it. It might be a little hard to understand, but i hope everyone catches the message.

Until next time,

Lots of Hugs, Alex <3

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