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holy shit that is a long name, also holy shit papyrus is smart
Oh, and a few more things to test the truthfulness of your claim, Evelyn: (simple question) What are the main ingredients in ketchup, and why do you like it?? There's also a difference between determinatation and willingness (tbh i'm slightly surprised sans hasn't jumped off several cliffs or committed suicide several times due to.... the... secret reasons!! Sans knows). Sans isn't really determined to survive... he's willing to... Flowey (the coward that he is) is determined to survive, so is Frisk. Whaaaaatttttt makes you admire his survivingness (write on a note and drop it throught the slot in the wall, srsly don't let ppl know the reasons) AndddD HAVE A BAD-JOKE-OFF WITH TORI AND SANS, IF EITHER OF THEM WIN YOU MUST LAAVE, NO CHEATING,'THEY MUST ANNOY PAPS BUT ALSO PLEASE HIM SECRETLY IN HIS HEART OF HEARTS, AND THEY MUST BE GOOD BAD JOKES, BAD JOKES THAT MAKE ME LAUGH, ANDDDD IF YOU WIN... fine you get one point

Evelyn: (doesn't know how to respond) Uh... um... main ingredient is tomatoes... (random incoherent confused babbling)
* The Skelebros make a run for it, and bump into Grillby around the corner. Sans hugs him.
Sans: Thank God! I was scared for a second. Knowing that Mary Sue, she can probably teleport.
Grillby: (picks him up and hugs him) It's alright, Sans, she'll hopefully explode.

...Not with Sans, mine is someone I hold dear who just so happens to be like Sans.
He loves stars... He's so kind to his little sis, it hurts. He's thoughtful, funny, he loves my puns... he's a complete geek/nerd, loves to do drama/theatre, and... I got friendzoned... But he's the best friend I could ask for. Wish I could tell him....

Sans: Yikes, friendzoned... that's rough, pal, I know that feeling...
Papyrus: When did you get friendzoned?
Sans: High school, where most traumatizing things happen to a person ;w;
Papyrus: (is in high school) hoo boy...

Yes *pulls out princess outfit* Sans, don't get me wrong, you're a great guy and all, but this is much more fun than just... not putting a dress on you. *puts a dress on Sans and runs off like my butt's on fire* Have fun, Sir Princess!

Papyrus: (laughs so hard he falls over, hits his head on the wall) OW, WORTH IT, AHAHAHA
Sans: I was wrong. Most traumatizing things happen to a person in Ask or Dare books. END MY LIFE
Grillby: Pffft, Fuku has to see this! (takes a picture of Sans)
Sans: Grillbz, I love you and all, with my heart and soul, but when I catch you, if anyone has seen that photo, I am going to make you do the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Grillby: (starts sweating... somehow, because he already sent the picture to his daughter) gottagobye (runs away)
Sans: (takes the dress off) I swear to god, I HATE MY LIFE
Papyrus: (laughing like an idiot)

*falls over dramatically*

Papyrus: (catches) Don't die please ;-;


Grillby: ...what is happening....

Oh my ever living goodness... The plan worked.... O-O

Sans: That was genius :D

That's absolutely right, Papy!

Papyrus: Nyeh!! (pulls asker into a hug) Hug time!! 💙💙💙

I have everything and nothing against him at the same time

Blooky: (puts captain falcon helmet on Metta's head) Go get 'em! ^^
Happstablook: Thank you, Blooky. Now... GHOST PUNCH!

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