Seven Days

200 6 68

Meanwhile, on the phone call...
Caller: *heavy breathing* 7 dAys-

Papyrus: O-O (spams the hang up button) ... (starts laughing hysterically) I'm gonna die! ;w;

How can one manage to be more tired than Sans-? That's like... a new level of tired... this should be considered an accomplishment

At least Sans managed to convince him to sleep

Papyrus: (looks distant and sad, like his brother's "pupils-missing" face) right... sleep... something I don't get enough of nowadays...
* You know that face. He didn't sleep. He had nightmares.


Papyrus: (chuckles) (suddenly remembers something from his childhood) (has the cutest smile on his face)

Can we get an update on the age chart to include the newer characters in here? (i've been wondering how old Gaster is for ages now)

Me: Okay! :3

Kitty: ?????
Frisk, Asriel, Ben & Chara: 14
Sans: 22
Grillby: 23
Gaster: 32
Fuku, Papyrus & Skateboard Girl: 15
Bratty & Catty: 17
NCG, Undyne, ????? 2, 6 & 8: 18
Burgerpants: 19
Alphys & Vegas: 20
Asgore & Tori: 30-40 (physical), over a thousand (actual)
Mettaton: 22
Blooky & Flowey: Immortal
Temmie: Nobody can tell, but probably also immortal

Frisk: (looks at Gaster) No offence, but I thought you were older than 32. *Considering you have a 22-year-old son.*
Gaster: Christ, I'm not that old, am I? (shakes head jokingly) No offence taken, Frisk.
Fuku: *Wait... if Dr. Gaster is 32, and his eldest son is 22... and I'm 15, and my dad is 23...* (calculation mode engage)

*chucks millions of red bull and caffeine tea at Papyrus* HERE U GO!!

Papyrus: (catches them with magic, then does a quick 360 turn to make sure Sans isn't in the room) Heh, thanks, Asker! (quickly hides the items up in his room)

~So, Papyrus... how are the machine repairs going? And what is that thing even for?

Papyrus: (sighs) Pretty slow nowadays. I've been too busy to work on it. The machine is a bit complex, but in its simplest form, it extracts energy from its power source in order to create a physical body with the materials it is given. For example, the DT extractions from Frisk and Chara, along with my own magic contribution, will form hybrids with the appearance of humans.

~Toriel and Asgore, you two have been back together for presumably a long time now. Have you ever considered having another child, or are the three you already have still a bit difficult to handle at times?

Toriel: (shy smile) While our three children can be a bit of a handful, we have considered having another child. Maybe a little ways into the future, Asriel will have a biological sibling!

~How does magic even work? Can different species of monsters learn different magic? For example, could Sans learn fire magic? Could Frisk learn blue magic? WHAT ARE THE RULES?????

Alphys: D-different kinds of monsters can learn more types of magic, but it takes up m-more energy.

~Can we take a moment to realize that Papyrus, a 15-year-old, is possibly more intelligent than his 22-year-old brother, who probably has a PhD?

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