Phase One: Acquire a Vehicle

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Everything will go a lot smoother once we have a car. We won't have to tote our supplies around, we can travel further and faster, and we'll have a place to sleep despite how cramped it'll probably be. Currently, the gang is walking to the nearest car rental shop, which is about 30 minutes away on foot. With fresh clothes and a semi-clean body (my group, scrubbed down with a stolen bar of soap and conditioner in a bathroom), no one complained as we walked. Well, besides Leo. But Leo always complains. He can live in a house of gold and nag on how it smells "too metallic."

I walk in the front of the group, forging a path for them to follow. Ren takes caboose, making sure no one strays away or gets left behind. This seems to be the natural order of things: me, then Sarah and Leo, then Kya, then Ren. We've only spent a few days together and things have already fallen into their routinely places.

I can't help but be reminded of the old days: when I lead my very own group of loyalists who would die for me. I was the captain; calling the shots, picking the battles, taking the spoils of street wars. And everyone else were my soldiers; trusting my judgement, following my orders, never being swayed by the temptation of other gangs. Similar to the old days, there's someone after us – someone with greater connections and population. Before, it was the Reaper; the commander of the dead. Now, it's a whole organization: Asylum.

But unlike last time, I'll win this war. My power has only gotten stronger, and my followers aren't top of the notch gun-slingers, but humans who contain supernatural abilities. I have a mind reader, a voodoo doll, a fire generator, and a water manipulator. Together, we can truly become unstoppable. What's to say we can't take over the world? With our fantastic work ethic and rough upbringing, we can –

"Guys, I can't hold it any longer. I've really gotta pee!" Leo calls, disrupting my thoughts and flushing them down the toilet. Leo could never take over the world: it's Leo. "Can we stop somewhere?"

"We're almost there," Ren grouches. "Use the restroom at the auto rental."

"Use the bathroom of the place we're going to rob?" Leo gasps. "Ren, for someone who's body temperature is naturally higher than normal; you're cold."

"Whatever. Just hold it in."

"I'll remember this next time you're in a crisis," Leo notifies. "Mark my words."

"Riiiiiight...okay, Leo," Ren jokes, laughing at churro-head's attempt of a threat.

"Guys, get it together," I instruct. "We're here. Leo, go use the restroom. As for the rest of you, you know the plan."

To get access to the cars, we need to enter the back room and snag a set of keys from wherever they are – typically, they hang on holders nailed into the wall. We have to keep the front counter worker busy, as well as slip by the other workers who process paperwork in the main hallway that leads to our targeted room. From there, we'll need to take a handful of keys and make it back out without alerting any trouble. After that, we pick our desired car from the selection of keys – and bam – we're good to go.

If the front serviceman is a girl – Ren will keep her distracted. If it's a boy – Kya will do it. If it's an older person – Sarah will handle it. In order to get past the other deskman, one of us will ask where the restroom is (ahem, Leo). If there are more, then another one of us will ask to be taken to the vending machine that all rental shops undoubtedly have. At this time of night, it's doubtful that three office workers will be around, so the last of us will take the keys swiftly and get out of there.

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